




Sampler with continuous-time simulated quantum annealing (CSQA) using


Samples and any other data returned by dimod samplers.


Sampler with Simulated Annealing (SA).


Sampler with Simulated Quantum Annealing (SQA).


BinaryPolynomialModel(*args, **kwargs)

BinaryQuadraticModel(linear, quadratic, *args, **kwargs)

Generate BinaryQuadraticModel object.

base_sample_hubo(→ openjij.sampler.response.Response)



solver_benchmark(solver, time_list[, solutions, args, ...])

Calculate 'success probability', 'TTS', 'Residual energy','Standard Error' with computation time

Package Contents#

class openjij.CSQASampler(beta=5.0, gamma=1.0, num_sweeps=1000, schedule=None, num_reads=1)[source]#

Bases: openjij.sampler.sqa_sampler.SQASampler

Inheritance diagram of openjij.CSQASampler

Sampler with continuous-time simulated quantum annealing (CSQA) using


H(s)=sHp+Γ(1s)iσixH(s) = s H_p + \Gamma (1-s)\sum_i \sigma_i^x

where HpH_p is the problem Hamiltonian we want to solve.

  • beta (float) – Inverse temperature.

  • gamma (float) – Amplitude of quantum fluctuation.

  • schedule (list) – schedule list

  • step_num (int) – Number of Monte Carlo step.

  • schedule_info (dict) – Information about a annealing schedule.

  • num_reads (int) – Number of iterations.

  • num_sweeps (int) – number of sweeps

  • schedule_info – Information about a annealing schedule.

remove_unknown_kwargs(**kwargs) dict[str, Any]#

Remove with warnings any keyword arguments not accepted by the sampler.


**kwargs – Keyword arguments to be validated.

Return type:

dict[str, Any]

Returns: Updated kwargs dict.


>>> import warnings
>>> sampler = dimod.RandomSampler()
>>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
...     warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
...     try:
...         sampler.remove_unknown_kwargs(num_reads=10, non_param=3)
...     except dimod.exceptions.SamplerUnknownArgWarning:
...        pass
{'num_reads': 10}
sample(bqm: openjij.model.model.BinaryQuadraticModel | dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel, beta: float | None = None, gamma: float | None = None, num_sweeps: int | None = None, schedule: list | None = None, trotter: int | None = None, num_reads: int | None = None, initial_state: list | dict | None = None, updater: str | None = None, sparse: bool | None = None, reinitialize_state: bool | None = None, seed: int | None = None) Response#

Sampling from the Ising model.

  • bqm (openjij.BinaryQuadraticModel)

  • beta (float, optional) – inverse tempareture.

  • gamma (float, optional) – strangth of transverse field. Defaults to None.

  • num_sweeps (int, optional) – number of sweeps. Defaults to None.

  • schedule (list[list[float, int]], optional) – List of annealing parameter. Defaults to None.

  • trotter (int) – Trotter number.

  • num_reads (int, optional) – number of sampling. Defaults to 1.

  • initial_state (list[int], optional) – Initial state. Defaults to None.

  • updater (str, optional) – update method. Defaults to ‘single spin flip’.

  • sparse (bool) – use sparse matrix or not.

  • reinitialize_state (bool, optional) – Re-initilization at each sampling. Defaults to True.

  • seed (int, optional) – Sampling seed. Defaults to None.





Return type:



for Ising case:

>>> h = {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 1, 3: 1}
>>> J = {(0, 1): -1, (3, 4): -1}
>>> sampler = openjij.SQASampler()
>>> res = sampler.sample_ising(h, J)

for QUBO case:

>>> Q = {(0, 0): -1, (1, 1): -1, (2, 2): 1, (3, 3): 1, (4, 4): 1, (0, 1): -1, (3, 4): 1}
>>> sampler = openjij.SQASampler()
>>> res = sampler.sample_qubo(Q)
sample_ising(h, J, beta: float = 5.0, gamma: float = 1.0, num_sweeps: int = 1000, schedule=None, num_reads: int = 1, initial_state=None, updater=None, reinitialize_state=True, seed=None)[source]#

Sampling from the Ising model.

  • h (dict) – linear biases

  • J (dict) – quadratic biases

  • beta (float, optional) – inverse temperature

  • gamma (float, optional) – strength of transverse field

  • num_sweeps (int, optional) – number of sampling.

  • schedule (list, optional) – schedule list

  • num_reads (int, optional) – number of iterations

  • initial_state (optional) – initial state of spins

  • updater (str, optional) – updater algorithm

  • reinitialize_state (bool, optional) – Re-initilization at each sampling. Defaults to True.

  • seed (int, optional) – Sampling seed.



Return type:



for Ising case:

>>> h = {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 1, 3: 1}
>>> J = {(0, 1): -1, (3, 4): -1}
>>> sampler = openjij.CSQASampler()
>>> res = sampler.sample_ising(h, J)

for QUBO case:

>>> Q = {(0, 0): -1, (1, 1): -1, (2, 2): 1, (3, 3): 1, (4, 4): 1, (0, 1): -1, (3, 4): 1}
>>> sampler = openjijj.CSQASampler()
>>> res = sampler.sample_qubo(Q)
sample_qubo(Q, **parameters)#

Sample from a QUBO model using the implemented sample method.


Q (dict or numpy.ndarray) – Coefficients of a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization



Return type:


property parameters#

Parameters as a dict, where keys are keyword parameters accepted by the sampler methods and values are lists of the properties relevent to each parameter.


Properties as a dict containing any additional information about the sampler.

class openjij.Response(record, variables, info, vartype)[source]#

Bases: dimod.SampleSet

Inheritance diagram of openjij.Response

Samples and any other data returned by dimod samplers.

  • record (:obj:`numpy.recarray`) – A NumPy record array. Must have ‘sample’, ‘energy’ and ‘num_occurrences’ as fields. The ‘sample’ field should be a 2D NumPy array where each row is a sample and each column represents the value of a variable.

  • variables (iterable) – An iterable of variable labels, corresponding to columns in record.samples.

  • info (dict) – Information about the SampleSet as a whole, formatted as a dict.

  • vartype (:class:.Vartype`/str/set`) –

    Variable type for the SampleSet. Accepted input values:

    • Vartype.SPIN, 'SPIN', {-1, 1}

    • Vartype.BINARY, 'BINARY', {0, 1}

    • ExtendedVartype.DISCRETE, 'DISCRETE'


This example creates a SampleSet out of a samples_like object (a NumPy array).

>>> import numpy as np
>>> sampleset =  dimod.SampleSet.from_samples(np.ones(5, dtype='int8'),
...                                           'BINARY', 0)
>>> sampleset.variables
Variables([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

Create a new SampleSet with repeated samples aggregated.




SampleSet.record.num_occurrences are accumulated but no other fields are.


This examples aggregates a sample set with two identical samples out of three.

>>> sampleset = dimod.SampleSet.from_samples([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1],
...                                           [1, 1, 1]],
...                                           dimod.BINARY,
...                                           [0, 0, 1])
>>> print(sampleset)
   0  1  2 energy num_oc.
0  0  0  1      0       1
1  0  0  1      0       1
2  1  1  1      1       1
['BINARY', 3 rows, 3 samples, 3 variables]
>>> print(sampleset.aggregate())
   0  1  2 energy num_oc.
0  0  0  1      0       2
1  1  1  1      1       1
['BINARY', 2 rows, 3 samples, 3 variables]
append_variables(samples_like, sort_labels=True)#

Deprecated in favor of dimod.append_variables.

change_vartype(vartype, energy_offset=0.0, inplace=True)#

Return the SampleSet with the given vartype.

  • vartype (:class:.Vartype`/str/set`) –

    Variable type to use for the new SampleSet. Accepted input values:

    • Vartype.SPIN, 'SPIN', {-1, 1}

    • Vartype.BINARY, 'BINARY', {0, 1}

  • energy_offset (number, optional, defaul=0.0) – Constant value applied to the ‘energy’ field of SampleSet.record.

  • inplace (bool, optional, default=True) – If True, the instantiated SampleSet is updated; otherwise, a new SampleSet is returned.


SampleSet with changed vartype. If inplace is True, returns itself.

Return type:



This function is non-blocking unless inplace==True, in which case the sample set is resolved.


This example creates a binary copy of a spin-valued SampleSet.

>>> sampleset = dimod.ExactSolver().sample_ising({'a': -0.5, 'b': 1.0}, {('a', 'b'): -1})
>>> sampleset_binary = sampleset.change_vartype(dimod.BINARY, energy_offset=1.0, inplace=False)
>>> sampleset_binary.vartype is dimod.BINARY
>>> sampleset_binary.first.sample
{'a': 0, 'b': 0}

Create a shallow copy.

data(fields=None, sorted_by='energy', name='Sample', reverse=False, sample_dict_cast=True, index=False)#

Iterate over the data in the SampleSet.

  • fields (list, optional, default=None) – If specified, only these fields are included in the yielded tuples. The special field name ‘sample’ can be used to view the samples.

  • sorted_by (str/None, optional, default='energy') – Selects the record field used to sort the samples. If None, the samples are yielded in record order.

  • name (str/None, optional, default='Sample') – Name of the yielded namedtuples or None to yield regular tuples.

  • reverse (bool, optional, default=False) – If True, yield in reverse order.

  • sample_dict_cast (bool, optional, default=True) – Samples are returned as dicts rather than SampleView, which requires heavy memory usage. Set to False to reduce load on memory.

  • index (bool, optional, default=False) – If True, datum.idx gives the corresponding index of the SampleSet.record.


namedtuple/tuple – The data in the SampleSet, in the order specified by the input fields.


>>> sampleset = dimod.ExactSolver().sample_ising({'a': -0.5, 'b': 1.0}, {('a', 'b'): -1})
>>> for datum in['sample', 'energy']):   
...     print(datum)
Sample(sample={'a': -1, 'b': -1}, energy=-1.5)
Sample(sample={'a': 1, 'b': -1}, energy=-0.5)
Sample(sample={'a': 1, 'b': 1}, energy=-0.5)
Sample(sample={'a': -1, 'b': 1}, energy=2.5)
>>> for energy, in['energy'], sorted_by='energy'):
...     print(energy)
>>> print(next(['energy'], name='ExactSolverSample')))

Return True if a pending computation is done.

Used when a SampleSet is constructed with SampleSet.from_future().


This example uses a Future object directly. Typically a Executor sets the result of the future (see documentation for concurrent.futures).

>>> from concurrent.futures import Future
>>> future = Future()
>>> sampleset = dimod.SampleSet.from_future(future)
>>> future.done()
>>> future.set_result(dimod.ExactSolver().sample_ising({0: -1}, {}))
>>> future.done()
filter(pred: Callable[[Any], bool]) SampleSet#

Return a new sampleset with rows filtered by the given predicate.


pred (Callable[[Any], bool]) – A function that accepts a named tuple as returned by data() and returns a bool.


A new sample set with only the data rows for which pred returns True.

Return type:



>>> sampleset = dimod.SampleSet.from_samples(
...     [{'a': 1, 'b': 0}, {'a': 0, 'b': 1}],
...     vartype=dimod.BINARY,
...     energy=[0, 1],
...     is_feasible=[True, False]
...     )
>>> feasible_sampleset = sampleset.filter(lambda d: d.is_feasible)
>>> print(feasible_sampleset)
   a  b energy num_oc. is_fea.
0  1  0      0       1    True
['BINARY', 1 rows, 1 samples, 2 variables]
classmethod from_future(future, result_hook=None)#

Construct a SampleSet referencing the result of a future computation.

  • future (object) – Object that contains or will contain the information needed to construct a SampleSet. If future has a done() method, this determines the value returned by SampleSet.done().

  • result_hook (callable, optional) –

    A function that is called to resolve the future. Must accept the future and return a SampleSet. If not provided, set to

    def result_hook(future):
        return future.result()




The future is resolved on the first read of any of the SampleSet properties.


Run a dimod sampler on a single thread and load the returned future into SampleSet.

>>> from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
>>> bqm = dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel.from_ising({}, {('a', 'b'): -1})
>>> with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) as executor:
...     future = executor.submit(dimod.ExactSolver().sample, bqm)
...     sampleset = dimod.SampleSet.from_future(future)
classmethod from_samples(samples_like, vartype, energy, info=None, num_occurrences=None, aggregate_samples=False, sort_labels=True, **vectors)#

Build a SampleSet from raw samples.

  • samples_like – A collection of raw samples. ‘samples_like’ is an extension of NumPy’s array_like. See as_samples().

  • vartype (:class:.Vartype`/str/set`) –

    Variable type for the SampleSet. Accepted input values:

    • Vartype.SPIN, 'SPIN', {-1, 1}

    • Vartype.BINARY, 'BINARY', {0, 1}

    • ExtendedVartype.DISCRETE, 'DISCRETE'

  • energy (array_like) – Vector of energies.

  • info (dict, optional) – Information about the SampleSet as a whole formatted as a dict.

  • num_occurrences (array_like, optional) – Number of occurrences for each sample. If not provided, defaults to a vector of 1s.

  • aggregate_samples (bool, optional, default=False) – If True, all samples in returned SampleSet are unique, with num_occurrences accounting for any duplicate samples in samples_like.

  • sort_labels (bool, optional, default=True) – Return SampleSet.variables in sorted order. For mixed (unsortable) types, the given order is maintained.

  • **vectors (array_like) – Other per-sample data.




This example creates a SampleSet out of a samples_like object (a dict).

>>> import numpy as np
>>> sampleset = dimod.SampleSet.from_samples(
...   dimod.as_samples({'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 0}), 'BINARY', 0)
>>> sampleset.variables
Variables(['a', 'b', 'c'])
classmethod from_samples_bqm(samples_like, bqm, **kwargs)#

Build a sample set from raw samples and a binary quadratic model.

The binary quadratic model is used to calculate energies and set the vartype.

  • samples_like – A collection of raw samples. ‘samples_like’ is an extension of NumPy’s array_like. See as_samples().

  • bqm (:obj:.BinaryQuadraticModel``) – A binary quadratic model.

  • info (dict, optional) – Information about the SampleSet as a whole formatted as a dict.

  • num_occurrences (array_like, optional) – Number of occurrences for each sample. If not provided, defaults to a vector of 1s.

  • aggregate_samples (bool, optional, default=False) – If True, all samples in returned SampleSet are unique, with num_occurrences accounting for any duplicate samples in samples_like.

  • sort_labels (bool, optional, default=True) – Return SampleSet.variables in sorted order. For mixed (unsortable) types, the given order is maintained.

  • **vectors (array_like) – Other per-sample data.




>>> bqm = dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel.from_ising({}, {('a', 'b'): -1})
>>> sampleset = dimod.SampleSet.from_samples_bqm({'a': -1, 'b': 1}, bqm)
classmethod from_samples_cqm(samples_like, cqm, rtol=1e-06, atol=1e-08, **kwargs)#

Build a sample set from raw samples and a constrained quadratic model.

The constrained quadratic model is used to calculate energies and feasibility.

  • samples_like – A collection of raw samples. ‘samples_like’ is an extension of NumPy’s array_like. See as_samples().

  • cqm (:obj:.ConstrainedQuadraticModel``) – A constrained quadratic model.

  • rtol (float, optional, default=1e-6) – Relative tolerance for constraint violation. See ConstrainedQuadraticModel.check_feasible() for more information.

  • atol (float, optional, default=1e-8) – Absolute tolerance for constraint violations. See ConstrainedQuadraticModel.check_feasible() for more information.

  • info (dict, optional) – Information about the SampleSet as a whole formatted as a dict.

  • num_occurrences (array_like, optional) – Number of occurrences for each sample. If not provided, defaults to a vector of 1s.

  • aggregate_samples (bool, optional, default=False) – If True, all samples in returned SampleSet are unique, with num_occurrences accounting for any duplicate samples in samples_like.

  • sort_labels (bool, optional, default=True) – Return SampleSet.variables in sorted order. For mixed (unsortable) types, the given order is maintained.

  • **vectors (array_like) – Other per-sample data.




>>> cqm = dimod.ConstrainedQuadraticModel()
>>> x, y, z = dimod.Binaries(['x', 'y', 'z'])
>>> cqm.set_objective(x*y + 2*y*z)
>>> label = cqm.add_constraint(x*y == 1, label='constraint_1')
>>> sampleset = dimod.SampleSet.from_samples_cqm({'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 1}, cqm)
classmethod from_serializable(obj)#

Deserialize a SampleSet.


obj (dict) – A SampleSet serialized by to_serializable().




This example encodes and decodes using JSON.

>>> import json
>>> samples = dimod.SampleSet.from_samples([-1, 1, -1], dimod.SPIN, energy=-.5)
>>> s = json.dumps(samples.to_serializable())
>>> new_samples = dimod.SampleSet.from_serializable(json.loads(s))

See also


lowest(rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)#

Return a sample set containing the lowest-energy samples.

A sample is included if its energy is within tolerance of the lowest energy in the sample set. The following equation is used to determine if two values are equivalent:

absolute(a - b) <= (atol + rtol * absolute(b))

See numpy.isclose() for additional details and caveats.

  • rtol (float, optional, default=1.e-5) – The relative tolerance (see above).

  • atol (float, optional, default=1.e-8) – The absolute tolerance (see above).


A new sample set containing the lowest energy samples as delimited by configured tolerances from the lowest energy sample in the current sample set.

Return type:



>>> sampleset = dimod.ExactSolver().sample_ising({'a': .001},
...                                              {('a', 'b'): -1})
>>> print(sampleset.lowest())
   a  b energy num_oc.
0 -1 -1 -1.001       1
['SPIN', 1 rows, 1 samples, 2 variables]
>>> print(sampleset.lowest(atol=.1))
   a  b energy num_oc.
0 -1 -1 -1.001       1
1 +1 +1 -0.999       1
['SPIN', 2 rows, 2 samples, 2 variables]


“Lowest energy” is the lowest energy in the sample set. This is not always the “ground energy” which is the lowest energy possible for a binary quadratic model.

relabel_variables(mapping, inplace=True)#

Relabel the variables of a SampleSet according to the specified mapping.

  • mapping (dict) – Mapping from current variable labels to new, as a dict. If incomplete mapping is specified, unmapped variables keep their current labels.

  • inplace (bool, optional, default=True) – If True, the current SampleSet is updated; otherwise, a new SampleSet is returned.


SampleSet with relabeled variables. If inplace is True, returns itself.

Return type:



This function is non-blocking.


This example creates a relabeled copy of a SampleSet.

>>> sampleset = dimod.ExactSolver().sample_ising({'a': -0.5, 'b': 1.0}, {('a', 'b'): -1})
>>> new_sampleset = sampleset.relabel_variables({'a': 0, 'b': 1}, inplace=False)
>>> new_sampleset.variables
Variables([0, 1])

Ensure that the sampleset is resolved if constructed from a future.

samples(n=None, sorted_by='energy')#

Return an iterable over the samples.

  • n (int, optional, default=None) – Maximum number of samples to return in the view.

  • sorted_by (str/None, optional, default='energy') – Selects the record field used to sort the samples. If None, samples are returned in record order.


A view object mapping variable labels to values.

Return type:



>>> sampleset = dimod.ExactSolver().sample_ising({'a': 0.1, 'b': 0.0},
...                                              {('a', 'b'): 1})
>>> for sample in sampleset.samples():   
...     print(sample)
{'a': -1, 'b': 1}
{'a': 1, 'b': -1}
{'a': -1, 'b': -1}
{'a': 1, 'b': 1}
>>> sampleset = dimod.ExactSolver().sample_ising({'a': 0.1, 'b': 0.0},
...                                              {('a', 'b'): 1})
>>> samples = sampleset.samples()
>>> samples[0]
{'a': -1, 'b': 1}
>>> samples[0, 'a']
>>> samples[0, ['b', 'a']]
array([ 1, -1], dtype=int8)
>>> samples[1:, ['a', 'b']]
array([[ 1, -1],
       [-1, -1],
       [ 1,  1]], dtype=int8)
slice(*slice_args, **kwargs)#

Create a new sample set with rows sliced according to standard Python slicing syntax.

  • start (int, optional, default=None) – Start index for slice.

  • stop (int) – Stop index for slice.

  • step (int, optional, default=None) – Step value for slice.

  • sorted_by (str/None, optional, default='energy') – Selects the record field used to sort the samples before slicing. Note that sorted_by determines the sample order in the returned sample set.




>>> import numpy as np
>>> sampleset = dimod.SampleSet.from_samples(np.diag(range(1, 11)),
...                   dimod.BINARY, energy=range(10))
>>> print(sampleset)
   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 energy num_oc.
0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0      0       1
1  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0      1       1
2  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0      2       1
3  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0      3       1
4  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0      4       1
5  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0      5       1
6  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0      6       1
7  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0      7       1
8  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0      8       1
9  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1      9       1
['BINARY', 10 rows, 10 samples, 10 variables]

The above example’s first 3 samples by energy == truncate(3):

>>> print(sampleset.slice(3))
   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 energy num_oc.
0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0      0       1
1  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0      1       1
2  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0      2       1
['BINARY', 3 rows, 3 samples, 10 variables]

The last 3 samples by energy:

>>> print(sampleset.slice(-3, None))
   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 energy num_oc.
0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0      7       1
1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0      8       1
2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1      9       1
['BINARY', 3 rows, 3 samples, 10 variables]

Every second sample in between, skipping top and bottom 3:

>>> print(sampleset.slice(3, -3, 2))
   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 energy num_oc.
0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0      3       1
1  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0      5       1
['BINARY', 2 rows, 2 samples, 10 variables]

Convert a sample set to a Pandas DataFrame.


sample_column (bool, optional, default=False) – If True, samples are represented as a column of type dict.




>>> samples = dimod.SampleSet.from_samples([{'a': -1, 'b': +1, 'c': -1},
...                                         {'a': -1, 'b': -1, 'c': +1}],
...                                        dimod.SPIN, energy=-.5)
>>> samples.to_pandas_dataframe()    
   a  b  c  energy  num_occurrences
0 -1  1 -1    -0.5                1
1 -1 -1  1    -0.5                1
>>> samples.to_pandas_dataframe(sample_column=True)    
                       sample  energy  num_occurrences
0  {'a': -1, 'b': 1, 'c': -1}    -0.5                1
1  {'a': -1, 'b': -1, 'c': 1}    -0.5                1

Note that sample sets can be constructed to contain data structures incompatible with the target Pandas format.

to_serializable(use_bytes=False, bytes_type=bytes, pack_samples=True)#

Convert a SampleSet to a serializable object.

Note that the contents of the field are assumed to be serializable.

  • use_bytes (bool, optional, default=False) – If True, a compact representation of the biases as bytes is used.

  • bytes_type (class, optional, default=bytes) – If use_bytes is True, this class is used to wrap the bytes objects in the serialization. Useful for Python 2 using BSON encoding, which does not accept the raw bytes type; bson.Binary can be used instead.

  • pack_samples (bool, optional, default=True) – Pack the samples using 1 bit per sample. Samples are never packed when SampleSet.vartype is ~ExtendedVartype.DISCRETE.


Object that can be serialized.

Return type:



This example encodes using JSON.

>>> import json
>>> samples = dimod.SampleSet.from_samples([-1, 1, -1], dimod.SPIN, energy=-.5)
>>> s = json.dumps(samples.to_serializable())

See also


truncate(n, sorted_by='energy')#

Create a new sample set with up to n rows.

  • n (int) – Maximum number of rows in the returned sample set. Does not return any rows above this limit in the original sample set.

  • sorted_by (str/None, optional, default='energy') – Selects the record field used to sort the samples before truncating. Note that this sort order is maintained in the returned sample set.




>>> import numpy as np
>>> sampleset = dimod.SampleSet.from_samples(np.ones((5, 5)), dimod.SPIN, energy=5)
>>> print(sampleset)
   0  1  2  3  4 energy num_oc.
0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1      5       1
1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1      5       1
2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1      5       1
3 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1      5       1
4 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1      5       1
['SPIN', 5 rows, 5 samples, 5 variables]
>>> print(sampleset.truncate(2))
   0  1  2  3  4 energy num_oc.
0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1      5       1
1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1      5       1
['SPIN', 2 rows, 2 samples, 5 variables]


wait_id(timeout: float | None = None) str | None#

Return a QPU problem ID when the sample set is constructed from a QPU computation answer (future) using from_future().

For details, see wait_id().


timeout (Optional[float])

Return type:


property data_vectors#

The per-sample data in a vector.


A dict where the keys are the fields in the record and the values are the corresponding arrays.

Return type:



>>> sampleset = dimod.SampleSet.from_samples([[-1, 1], [1, 1]], dimod.SPIN,
                                             energy=[-1, 1])
>>> sampleset.data_vectors['energy']
array([-1,  1])

Note that this is equivalent to, and less performant than:

>>> sampleset = dimod.SampleSet.from_samples([[-1, 1], [1, 1]], dimod.SPIN,
                                             energy=[-1, 1])
>>> sampleset.record['energy']
array([-1,  1])
property energies#
property first#

Sample with the lowest-energy.


ValueError – If empty.


>>> sampleset = dimod.ExactSolver().sample_ising({'a': 1}, {('a', 'b'): 1})
>>> sampleset.first
Sample(sample={'a': -1, 'b': 1}, energy=-2.0, num_occurrences=1)
property indices#
property info#

Dict of information about the SampleSet as a whole.


This example shows the type of information that might be returned by a dimod sampler by submitting a BQM that sets a value on a D-Wave system’s first listed coupler.

>>> from dwave.system import DWaveSampler    
>>> sampler = DWaveSampler()    
>>> bqm = dimod.BQM({}, {sampler.edgelist[0]: -1}, 0, dimod.SPIN)   
>>> sampler.sample(bqm).info   
{'timing': {'qpu_sampling_time': 315,
 'qpu_anneal_time_per_sample': 20,
 'qpu_readout_time_per_sample': 274,
 # Snipped above response for brevity
property min_samples#
property record#

numpy.recarray containing the samples, energies, number of occurences, and other sample data.


>>> sampler = dimod.ExactSolver()
>>> sampleset = sampler.sample_ising({'a': -0.5, 'b': 1.0}, {('a', 'b'): -1.0})
>>> sampleset.record.sample     
array([[-1, -1],
       [ 1, -1],
       [ 1,  1],
       [-1,  1]], dtype=int8)
>>> len(
property states#
property variables#

Variables of variable labels.

Corresponds to columns of the sample field of SampleSet.record.

property vartype#

Vartype of the samples.

class openjij.SASampler[source]#

Bases: openjij.sampler.sampler.BaseSampler

Inheritance diagram of openjij.SASampler

Sampler with Simulated Annealing (SA).

  • beta_min (float) – Minmum beta (inverse temperature). You can overwrite in methods .sample_*.

  • beta_max (float) – Maximum beta (inverse temperature). You can overwrite in methods .sample_*.

  • num_reads (int) – number of sampling (algorithm) runs. defaults None. You can overwrite in methods .sample_*.

  • num_sweeps (int) – number of MonteCarlo steps during SA. defaults None. You can overwrite in methods .sample_*.

  • schedule_info (dict) – Information about an annealing schedule.

  • ValueError – If schedules or variables violate as below.

  • - not list or numpy.array.

  • - not list of tuple (beta – float, step_length : int).

  • - beta is less than zero.

remove_unknown_kwargs(**kwargs) dict[str, Any]#

Remove with warnings any keyword arguments not accepted by the sampler.


**kwargs – Keyword arguments to be validated.

Return type:

dict[str, Any]

Returns: Updated kwargs dict.


>>> import warnings
>>> sampler = dimod.RandomSampler()
>>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
...     warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
...     try:
...         sampler.remove_unknown_kwargs(num_reads=10, non_param=3)
...     except dimod.exceptions.SamplerUnknownArgWarning:
...        pass
{'num_reads': 10}
sample(bqm: openj.model.model.BinaryQuadraticModel | dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel, beta_min: float | None = None, beta_max: float | None = None, num_sweeps: int | None = None, num_reads: int | None = None, schedule: list | None = None, initial_state: list | dict | None = None, updater: str | None = None, sparse: bool | None = None, reinitialize_state: bool | None = None, seed: int | None = None) Response[source]#

Sample Ising model.

  • bqm (openjij.model.model.BinaryQuadraticModel)

  • beta_min (float) – minimal value of inverse temperature

  • beta_max (float) – maximum value of inverse temperature

  • num_sweeps (int) – number of sweeps

  • num_reads (int) – number of reads

  • schedule (list) – list of inverse temperature

  • initial_state (dict) – initial state

  • updater (str) – updater algorithm

  • sparse (bool) – use sparse matrix or not.

  • reinitialize_state (bool) – if true reinitialize state for each run

  • seed (int) – seed for Monte Carlo algorithm



Return type:



for Ising case:

>>> h = {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 1, 3: 1}
>>> J = {(0, 1): -1, (3, 4): -1}
>>> sampler = openj.SASampler()
>>> res = sampler.sample_ising(h, J)

for QUBO case:

>>> Q = {(0, 0): -1, (1, 1): -1, (2, 2): 1, (3, 3): 1, (4, 4): 1, (0, 1): -1, (3, 4): 1}
>>> sampler = openj.SASampler()
>>> res = sampler.sample_qubo(Q)
sample_hubo(J: dict[tuple, float], vartype: str | None = None, num_sweeps: int = 1000, num_reads: int = 1, num_threads: int = 1, beta_min: float | None = None, beta_max: float | None = None, updater: str = 'METROPOLIS', random_number_engine: str = 'XORSHIFT', seed: int | None = None, temperature_schedule: str = 'GEOMETRIC')[source]#

Sampling from higher order unconstrainted binary optimization.

  • J (dict) – Interactions.

  • vartype (str) – “SPIN” or “BINARY”.

  • num_sweeps (int, optional) – The number of sweeps. Defaults to 1000.

  • num_reads (int, optional) – The number of reads. Defaults to 1.

  • num_threads (int, optional) – The number of threads. Parallelized for each sampling with num_reads > 1. Defaults to 1.

  • beta_min (float, optional) – Minimum beta (initial inverse temperature). Defaults to None.

  • beta_max (float, optional) – Maximum beta (final inverse temperature). Defaults to None.

  • updater (str, optional) – Updater. One can choose “METROPOLIS”, “HEAT_BATH”, or “k-local”. Defaults to “METROPOLIS”.

  • random_number_engine (str, optional) – Random number engine. One can choose “XORSHIFT”, “MT”, or “MT_64”. Defaults to “XORSHIFT”.

  • seed (int, optional) – seed for Monte Carlo algorithm. Defaults to None.

  • temperature_schedule (str, optional) – Temperature schedule. One can choose “LINEAR”, “GEOMETRIC”. Defaults to “GEOMETRIC”.



Return type:


for Ising case::
>>> sampler = openjij.SASampler()
>>> J = {(0,): -1, (0, 1): -1, (0, 1, 2): 1}
>>> response = sampler.sample_hubo(J, "SPIN")
for Binary case::
>>> sampler = ooenjij.SASampler()
>>> J = {(0,): -1, (0, 1): -1, (0, 1, 2): 1}
>>> response = sampler.sample_hubo(J, "BINARY")
sample_ising(h, J, **parameters)#

Sample from an Ising model using the implemented sample method.

  • h (dict) – Linear biases

  • J (dict) – Quadratic biases



Return type:


sample_qubo(Q, **parameters)#

Sample from a QUBO model using the implemented sample method.


Q (dict or numpy.ndarray) – Coefficients of a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization



Return type:


property parameters#

Parameters as a dict, where keys are keyword parameters accepted by the sampler methods and values are lists of the properties relevent to each parameter.


Properties as a dict containing any additional information about the sampler.

class openjij.SQASampler[source]#

Bases: openjij.sampler.sampler.BaseSampler

Inheritance diagram of openjij.SQASampler

Sampler with Simulated Quantum Annealing (SQA).

Inherits from openjij.sampler.sampler.BaseSampler. Hamiltonian

H(s)=sHp+Γ(1s)iσixH(s) = s H_p + \Gamma (1-s)\sum_i \sigma_i^x

where HpH_p is the problem Hamiltonian we want to solve.

  • beta (float) – Inverse temperature.

  • gamma (float) – Amplitude of quantum fluctuation.

  • trotter (int) – Trotter number.

  • num_sweeps (int) – number of sweeps

  • schedule (list) – schedule list

  • num_reads (int) – Number of iterations.

  • schedule_info (dict) – Information about a annealing schedule.

  • ValueError – If the schedule violates as below.

  • - not list or numpy.array.

  • - schedule range is '0 <= s <= 1'.

remove_unknown_kwargs(**kwargs) dict[str, Any]#

Remove with warnings any keyword arguments not accepted by the sampler.


**kwargs – Keyword arguments to be validated.

Return type:

dict[str, Any]

Returns: Updated kwargs dict.


>>> import warnings
>>> sampler = dimod.RandomSampler()
>>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
...     warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
...     try:
...         sampler.remove_unknown_kwargs(num_reads=10, non_param=3)
...     except dimod.exceptions.SamplerUnknownArgWarning:
...        pass
{'num_reads': 10}
sample(bqm: openjij.model.model.BinaryQuadraticModel | dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel, beta: float | None = None, gamma: float | None = None, num_sweeps: int | None = None, schedule: list | None = None, trotter: int | None = None, num_reads: int | None = None, initial_state: list | dict | None = None, updater: str | None = None, sparse: bool | None = None, reinitialize_state: bool | None = None, seed: int | None = None) Response[source]#

Sampling from the Ising model.

  • bqm (openjij.BinaryQuadraticModel)

  • beta (float, optional) – inverse tempareture.

  • gamma (float, optional) – strangth of transverse field. Defaults to None.

  • num_sweeps (int, optional) – number of sweeps. Defaults to None.

  • schedule (list[list[float, int]], optional) – List of annealing parameter. Defaults to None.

  • trotter (int) – Trotter number.

  • num_reads (int, optional) – number of sampling. Defaults to 1.

  • initial_state (list[int], optional) – Initial state. Defaults to None.

  • updater (str, optional) – update method. Defaults to ‘single spin flip’.

  • sparse (bool) – use sparse matrix or not.

  • reinitialize_state (bool, optional) – Re-initilization at each sampling. Defaults to True.

  • seed (int, optional) – Sampling seed. Defaults to None.





Return type:



for Ising case:

>>> h = {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 1, 3: 1}
>>> J = {(0, 1): -1, (3, 4): -1}
>>> sampler = openjij.SQASampler()
>>> res = sampler.sample_ising(h, J)

for QUBO case:

>>> Q = {(0, 0): -1, (1, 1): -1, (2, 2): 1, (3, 3): 1, (4, 4): 1, (0, 1): -1, (3, 4): 1}
>>> sampler = openjij.SQASampler()
>>> res = sampler.sample_qubo(Q)
sample_ising(h, J, **parameters)#

Sample from an Ising model using the implemented sample method.

  • h (dict) – Linear biases

  • J (dict) – Quadratic biases



Return type:


sample_qubo(Q, **parameters)#

Sample from a QUBO model using the implemented sample method.


Q (dict or numpy.ndarray) – Coefficients of a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization



Return type:


property parameters#

Parameters as a dict, where keys are keyword parameters accepted by the sampler methods and values are lists of the properties relevent to each parameter.


Properties as a dict containing any additional information about the sampler.

openjij.BinaryPolynomialModel(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
openjij.BinaryQuadraticModel(linear, quadratic, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Generate BinaryQuadraticModel object.


variable type SPIN or BINARY




represents linear term




represents quadratic term




represents constant energy term when convert to SPIN from BINARY




represents number of variables in the model




represents variables of the binary quadratic model




generated BinaryQuadraticModel


BinaryQuadraticModel can be initialized by specifing h and J:

>>> h = {0: 1, 1: -2}
>>> J = {(0, 1): -1, (1, 2): -3, (2, 3): 0.5}
>>> bqm = oj.BinaryQuadraticModel(self.h, self.J)

You can also use strings and tuples of integers (up to 4 elements) as indices:

>>> h = {'a': 1, 'b': -2}
>>> J = {('a', 'b'): -1, ('b', 'c'): -3, ('c', 'd'): 0.5}
>>> bqm = oj.BinaryQuadraticModel(self.h, self.J)
openjij.base_sample_hubo(hubo: dict[tuple, float], vartype: str | None = None, num_sweeps: int = 1000, num_reads: int = 1, num_threads: int = 1, beta_min: float | None = None, beta_max: float | None = None, update_method: str = 'METROPOLIS', random_number_engine: str = 'XORSHIFT', seed: int | None = None, temperature_schedule: str = 'GEOMETRIC') Response[source]#
  • hubo (dict[tuple, float])

  • vartype (Optional[str])

  • num_sweeps (int)

  • num_reads (int)

  • num_threads (int)

  • beta_min (Optional[float])

  • beta_max (Optional[float])

  • update_method (str)

  • random_number_engine (str)

  • seed (Optional[int])

  • temperature_schedule (str)

Return type:


openjij.solver_benchmark(solver, time_list, solutions=[], args={}, p_r=0.99, ref_energy=0, measure_with_energy=False, time_name='execution_time')[source]#

Calculate ‘success probability’, ‘TTS’, ‘Residual energy’,’Standard Error’ with computation time

  • solver (callable) – returns openjij.Response, and solver has arguments ‘time’ and ‘**args’

  • time_list (list)

  • solutions (list(list(int)), list(int)) – true solution or list of solution (if solutions are degenerated).

  • args (dict) – Arguments for solver.

  • p_r (float) – Thereshold probability for time to solutions.

  • ref_energy (float) – The ground (reference to calculate success probability and the residual energy) energy.

  • measure_with_energy (bool) – use a energy as measure for success


dictionary which has the following keys:

  • time: list of compuation time

  • success_prob list of success probability at each computation time

  • tts: list of time to solusion at each computation time

  • residual_energy: list of residual energy at each computation time

  • se_lower_tts: list of tts’s lower standard error at each computation time

  • se_upper_tts: list of tts’s upper standard error at each computation time

  • se_success_prob: list of success probability’s standard error at each computation time

  • se_residual_energy: list of residual_energy’s standard error at each computation time

  • info (dict): Parameter information for the benchmark

Return type:

