Source code for dimod.vartypes

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Enumeration of valid variable types for binary quadratic models.


    :class:`.Vartype` is an :py:class:`~enum.Enum`. Each vartype has a value and
    a name.

    >>> vartype = dimod.SPIN
    >>> vartype.value == {-1, +1}

    >>> vartype = dimod.BINARY
    >>> vartype.value == {0, 1}

    The :func:`.as_vartype` function allows the user to provide several
    convenient forms.

    >>> from dimod import as_vartype

    >>> as_vartype(dimod.SPIN) is dimod.SPIN
    >>> as_vartype('SPIN') is dimod.SPIN
    >>> as_vartype({-1, 1}) is dimod.SPIN

    >>> as_vartype(dimod.BINARY) is dimod.BINARY
    >>> as_vartype('BINARY') is dimod.BINARY
    >>> as_vartype({0, 1}) is dimod.BINARY

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import typing
import warnings

from import Container, Iterable

import dimod.typing

__all__ = ['as_vartype',
           'Vartype', 'ExtendedVartype',
           'SPIN', 'BINARY', 'DISCRETE', 'INTEGER', 'REAL',

class Integers(Container):
    """Container for testing integer membership."""
    def __contains__(self, item):
            return int(item) == item
        except TypeError:
            return False

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        memo[id(self)] = self
        return self

    def __eq__(self, other):
        # All Integers objects are equal
        return type(self) is type(other)

class Real(Container):
    """Container for testing real membership."""
    def __contains__(self, item):
            return float(item) == item
        except TypeError:
            return False

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        memo[id(self)] = self
        return self

    def __eq__(self, other):
        # All Real objects are equal
        return type(self) is type(other)

[docs] class Vartype(enum.Enum): """An :py:class:`~enum.Enum` over the types of variables for quadratic models. Attributes: SPIN: Vartype for spin-valued binary quadratic models and variables of quadratic models that have values that are either -1 or 1. BINARY: Vartype for binary quadratic models and variables of quadratic models that have values that are either 0 or 1. INTEGER: Vartype for variables in quadratic models that have values of type int. REAL: Vartype for variables in quadratic models that have values of type float. """ SPIN = frozenset({-1, 1}) BINARY = frozenset({0, 1}) INTEGER = DISCRETE = Integers() # DISCRETE is an alias for INTEGER REAL = Real() # Dev note: # This allows us to treat QMs and BQMs in the same way, i.e. we can # do bqm.vartype(v). # It would be better to make BQM.vartype a method, but that would be an # enormous backward compatibility break. # I tried instead making a proxy object, but that doesn't allow syntax like # bqm.vartype is SPIN def __call__(self, v: typing.Optional[dimod.typing.Variable] = None) -> Vartype: return self
# Deprecated alias ExtendedVartype = Vartype SPIN = Vartype.SPIN BINARY = Vartype.BINARY INTEGER = Vartype.INTEGER DISCRETE = Vartype.DISCRETE REAL = Vartype.REAL # There are other types we allow (e.g. frozenset((-1, +1)))) but they are very # rarely used over the years so IMO more succinct typing is more useful. # Also, Literal doesn't accept frozensets in its list so we'd have to do a Union. VartypeLike = typing.Literal[ Vartype.SPIN, "SPIN", Vartype.BINARY, "BINARY", Vartype.INTEGER, "INTEGER", Vartype.REAL, "REAL", ] """Objects that can be interpreted as a variable type. This includes: * :class:`~dimod.Vartype.SPIN`, ``'SPIN'``, ``{-1, 1}`` * :class:`~dimod.Vartype.BINARY`, ``'BINARY'``, ``{0, 1}`` * :class:`~dimod.Vartype.INTEGER`, ``'INTEGER'`` * :class:`~dimod.Vartype.REAL`, ``'REAL'`` """ def _vartype_miss(vartype, extended): if extended: candidates = ("Vartype.SPIN, 'SPIN', {-1, 1}, " "Vartype.BINARY, 'BINARY', {0, 1}, " "Vartype.INTEGER, 'INTEGER', " "Vartype.REAL, or 'REAL'") else: candidates = ("Vartype.SPIN, 'SPIN', {-1, 1}, " "Vartype.BINARY, 'BINARY', or {0, 1}") return TypeError(f"expected input vartype to be one of: {candidates!s}; " f"received {vartype!r}.") # In the future we may wish to make extended default to True. However, for # now even raising a PendingDeprecationWarning would be a big change. def as_vartype(vartype: VartypeLike, extended: bool = False) -> Vartype: """Cast various inputs to a valid vartype object. Args: vartype (:class:`.Vartype`/str/set): Variable type. Accepted input values: * :class:`~dimod.Vartype.SPIN`, ``'SPIN'``, ``{-1, 1}`` * :class:`~dimod.Vartype.BINARY`, ``'BINARY'``, ``{0, 1}`` extended (bool, optional, default=False): If `True`, vartype can also be: * :class:`~dimod.Vartype.INTEGER`, ``'INTEGER'`` * :class:`~dimod.Vartype.REAL`, ``'REAL'`` Returns: :class:`.Vartype`: Either :class:`~dimod.Vartype.SPIN` or :class:`~dimod.Vartype.BINARY`. If `extended` is True, can also be :class:`~dimod.Vartype.INTEGER` or :class:`~dimod.Vartype.REAL` See also: :func:`~dimod.decorators.vartype_argument` """ # can be done with singledispatch, but this function needs to be # performant and if branches are faster if isinstance(vartype, Vartype): pass # already what we want elif isinstance(vartype, str): try: vartype = Vartype[vartype] except KeyError: raise _vartype_miss(vartype, extended) from None elif isinstance(vartype, frozenset): try: vartype = Vartype(vartype) except ValueError: raise _vartype_miss(vartype, extended) from None elif isinstance(vartype, Iterable): # not frozenset or str try: vartype = Vartype(frozenset(vartype)) except ValueError: raise _vartype_miss(vartype, extended) from None else: raise _vartype_miss(vartype, extended) if not extended and vartype != SPIN and vartype != BINARY: raise _vartype_miss(vartype, extended) return vartype