Source code for openjij.utils.benchmark

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from __future__ import annotations
import inspect

from logging import getLogger

import numpy as np

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def solver_benchmark( solver, time_list, solutions=[], args={}, p_r=0.99, ref_energy=0, measure_with_energy=False, time_name="execution_time", ): """Calculate 'success probability', 'TTS', 'Residual energy','Standard Error' with computation time Args: solver (callable): returns openjij.Response, and solver has arguments 'time' and '**args' time_list (list): solutions (list(list(int)), list(int)): true solution or list of solution (if solutions are degenerated). args (dict): Arguments for solver. p_r (float): Thereshold probability for time to solutions. ref_energy (float): The ground (reference to calculate success probability and the residual energy) energy. measure_with_energy (bool): use a energy as measure for success Returns: dict: dictionary which has the following keys: * **time**: list of compuation time * **success_prob** list of success probability at each computation time * **tts**: list of time to solusion at each computation time * **residual_energy**: list of residual energy at each computation time * **se_lower_tts**: list of tts's lower standard error at each computation time * **se_upper_tts**: list of tts's upper standard error at each computation time * **se_success_prob**: list of success probability's standard error at each computation time * **se_residual_energy**: list of residual_energy's standard error at each computation time * **info** (dict): Parameter information for the benchmark """ if not measure_with_energy: if solutions == []: raise ValueError("need input 'solutions': (list(list))")"function " + inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name + " start") computation_times = [] success_probabilities = [] tts_list = [] residual_energies = [] se_lower_tts_list = [] se_upper_tts_list = [] se_success_prob_list = [] se_residual_energy_list = [] for time in time_list: response = solver(time, **args) comp_time =[time_name] computation_times.append(comp_time) ps = success_probability(response, solutions, ref_energy, measure_with_energy) tts = time_to_solution(ps, comp_time, p_r) success_probabilities.append(ps) tts_list.append(tts) residual_energies.append(residual_energy(response, ref_energy)) se_ps = se_success_probability( response, solutions, ref_energy, measure_with_energy ) se_success_prob_list.append(se_ps) se_lower_tts_list.append(se_lower_tts(tts, ps, comp_time, p_r, se_ps)) se_upper_tts_list.append(se_upper_tts(tts, ps, comp_time, p_r, se_ps)) se_residual_energy_list.append(se_residual_energy(response, ref_energy)) return { "time": computation_times, "success_prob": success_probabilities, "tts": tts_list, "residual_energy": residual_energies, "se_lower_tts": se_lower_tts_list, "se_upper_tts": se_upper_tts_list, "se_success_prob": se_success_prob_list, "se_residual_energy": se_residual_energy_list, "info": { "tts_threshold_prob": p_r, "ref_energy": ref_energy, "measure_with_energy": measure_with_energy, }, }
[docs] def residual_energy(response, ref_energy): """Calculate redisual energy from measure energy Args: response (openjij.Response): response from solver (or sampler). ref_energy (float): the reference energy (usually use the ground energy) Returns: float: Residual energy which is defined as :math:`\\langle E \\rangle - E_0` (:math:`\\langle...\\rangle` represents average, :math:`E_0` is the reference energy (usually use the ground energy)). """ return np.mean(response.energies) - ref_energy
[docs] def se_residual_energy(response, ref_energy): """Calculate redisual energy's standard error from measure energy Args: response (openjij.Response): response from solver (or sampler). ref_energy (float): the reference energy (usually use the ground energy) Returns: float: redisual energy's standard error from measure energy """ return np.std(response.energies, ddof=1)
[docs] def success_probability(response, solutions, ref_energy=0, measure_with_energy=False): """Calculate success probability from openjij.response Args: response (openjij.Response): response from solver (or sampler). solutions (list[int]): true solutions. Returns: float: Success probability. * When measure_with_energy is False, success is defined as getting the same state as solutions. * When measure_with_energy is True, success is defined as getting a state which energy is below reference energy """ if measure_with_energy: suc_prob = np.count_nonzero(np.array(response.energies) <= ref_energy) / len( response.energies ) else: if isinstance(solutions[0], dict): sampled_states = response.samples() suc_prob = np.mean( [1 if dict(state) in solutions else 0 for state in sampled_states] ) else: sampled_states = response.states suc_prob = np.mean( [1 if list(state) in solutions else 0 for state in sampled_states] ) return suc_prob
[docs] def se_success_probability( response, solutions, ref_energy=0, measure_with_energy=False ): """Calculate success probability's standard error from openjij.response Args: response (openjij.Response): response from solver (or sampler). solutions (list[int]): true solutions. Returns: float: Success probability's standard error. * When measure_with_energy is False, success is defined as getting the same state as solutions. * When measure_with_energy is True, success is defined as getting a state which energy is below reference energy """ if measure_with_energy: se_suc_prob = np.sqrt( np.count_nonzero(np.array(response.energies) <= ref_energy) / (len(response.energies) - 1) ) else: if isinstance(solutions[0], dict): sampled_states = response.samples() se_suc_prob = np.std( [1 if dict(state) in solutions else 0 for state in sampled_states] )/np.sqrt(len(sampled_states)) else: sampled_states = response.states se_suc_prob = np.std( [1 if list(state) in solutions else 0 for state in sampled_states] )/np.sqrt(len(sampled_states)) return se_suc_prob
[docs] def time_to_solution(success_prob, computation_time, p_r): """ Args: success_prob (float): success probability. computation_time (float): p_r (float): thereshold probability to calculate time to solution. Returns: float: time to solution :math:`\\tau * \\log(1-pr)/\\log(1-ps)` which pr is thereshold probability, ps is success probability and :math:`tau` is computation time. """ if success_prob == 1.0: tts = 0.0 elif success_prob == 0.0: tts = np.inf else: tts = computation_time * np.log(1 - p_r) / np.log(1 - success_prob) return tts
[docs] def se_lower_tts(tts, success_prob, computation_time, p_r, se_success_prob): """ Args: success_prob (float): success probability. computation_time (float): p_r (float): thereshold probability to calculate time to solution. Returns: float: time to solution :math:`\\tau * \\log(1-pr)/\\log(1-ps)` 's standard error which pr is thereshold probability, ps is success probability and :math:`tau` is computation time. """ if 1 - (success_prob + se_success_prob) <= 0.0: tts_low_error = 0.0 elif success_prob == 0.0: tts_low_error = 0.0 else: tts_low_error = ( computation_time * np.log(1 - p_r) / np.log(1 - (success_prob + se_success_prob)) ) se_lower_tts = abs(tts_low_error - tts) return se_lower_tts
[docs] def se_upper_tts(tts, success_prob, computation_time, p_r, se_success_prob): """ Args: success_prob (float): success probability. computation_time (float): p_r (float): thereshold probability to calculate time to solution. Returens: float: time to solution :math:`\\tau * \\log(1-pr)/\\log(1-ps)` 's standard error which pr is thereshold probability, ps is success probability and :math:`tau` is computation time. """ if success_prob == 1.0: tts_up_error = 0.0 elif success_prob == 0.0: tts_up_error = 0.0 else: tts_up_error = ( computation_time * np.log(1 - p_r) / np.log(1 - (success_prob - se_success_prob)) ) se_upper_tts = abs(tts_up_error - tts) return se_upper_tts