Source code for openjij.sampler.sampler

# Copyright 2023 Jij Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""This module defines the abstract sampler (BaseSampler)."""
from __future__ import annotations
import time

import dimod
import numpy as np

from cimod.utils import get_state_and_energy
from dimod import BINARY, SPIN
from dimod.core.sampler import samplemixinmethod

import openjij
import openjij as oj
import openjij.cxxjij as cxxjij

[docs] def measure_time(func): """Decorator for measuring calculation time. Args: func: decorator function """ def wrapper(*args, **kargs): start_time = time.perf_counter() func(*args, **kargs) end_time = time.perf_counter() execution_time = end_time - start_time return execution_time return wrapper
[docs] class BaseSampler(dimod.Sampler): """Base sampler class of python wrapper for cxxjij simulator.""" parameters = dict() properties = dict() def _set_params(self, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key not in self._default_params: raise ValueError("Unknown parameters detected") if value is None: self._params[key] = self._default_params[key] else: self._params[key] = value def _sampling(self, **kwargs): pass def _cxxjij_sampling( self, model, init_generator, algorithm, system, reinitialize_state=None, seed=None, offset=None, ): """Basic sampling function: for cxxjij sampling. Args: model (openjij.BinaryQuadraticModel): model has a information of instaunce (h, J, Q) init_generator (callable): return initial state, must have argument structure algorithm (callable): system algorithm of cxxjij system (:obj:): [description] reinitialize_state (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to None. seed (int, optional): seed for algorithm. Defaults to None. offset (float): an offset which is added to the calculated energy Returns: :class:`openjij.sampler.response.Response`: results """ if offset is None: offset = 0 # set algorithm function and set random seed ---- if seed is None: def sampling_algorithm(system): return algorithm(system, self._params["schedule"]) else: def sampling_algorithm(system): return algorithm(system, seed, self._params["schedule"]) # ---- set algorithm function and set random seed # setting of response class execution_time = [] # define sampling execution function --------------- states, energies = [], [] system_info = {"system": []} @measure_time def exec_sampling(): for _ in range(self._params["num_reads"]): # Re-initialize at each sampling # In reverse annealing, # user can use previous result (if re-initilize is set to False) if reinitialize_state: system.reset_spins(init_generator()) # Run sampling algorithm # and measure execution time _exec_time = measure_time(sampling_algorithm)(system) execution_time.append(_exec_time) # get Ising result (state and system information) # ex. _sys_info save trotterized quantum state. result_state, _sys_info = self._get_result(system, model) # convert result_state to cimod style result_state, energy = get_state_and_energy(model, result_state, offset) # store result (state and energy) states.append(result_state) energies.append(energy) if _sys_info: system_info["system"].append(_sys_info) # --------------- define sampling execution function # Execute sampling function sampling_time = exec_sampling() # construct response instance response = oj.sampler.response.Response.from_samples( states, model.vartype, energies, info=system_info ) # save execution time["sampling_time"] = sampling_time * 10**6 # micro sec["execution_time"] = np.mean(execution_time) * 10**6 # micro sec["list_exec_times"] = ( np.array(execution_time) * 10**6 ) # micro sec return response def _get_result(self, system, model): result = cxxjij.result.get_solution(system) sys_info = {} return result, sys_info
[docs] @samplemixinmethod def sample(self, bqm, **parameters): """Sample from a binary quadratic model. Args: bqm (openjij.BinaryQuadraticModel): Binary Qudratic Model **parameters: See the implemented sampling for additional keyword definitions. Returns: :class:`openjij.sampler.response.Response`: results """ if bqm.vartype == SPIN: if not getattr(self.sample_ising, "__issamplemixin__", False): # sample_ising is implemented h, J, offset = bqm.to_ising() sampleset = self.sample_ising(h, J, **parameters) += offset return sampleset else: Q, offset = bqm.to_qubo() sampleset = self.sample_qubo(Q, **parameters) sampleset.change_vartype(dimod.SPIN, energy_offset=offset) return sampleset elif bqm.vartype == BINARY: if not getattr(self.sample_qubo, "__issamplemixin__", False): # sample_qubo is implemented Q, offset = bqm.to_qubo() sampleset = self.sample_qubo(Q, **parameters) += offset return sampleset else: h, J, offset = bqm.to_ising() sampleset = self.sample_ising(h, J, **parameters) sampleset.change_vartype(dimod.BINARY, energy_offset=offset) return sampleset else: raise RuntimeError("binary quadratic model has an unknown vartype")
[docs] @samplemixinmethod def sample_ising(self, h, J, **parameters): """Sample from an Ising model using the implemented sample method. Args: h (dict): Linear biases J (dict): Quadratic biases Returns: :class:`openjij.sampler.response.Response`: results """ # default sparse mode: True sparse_option = parameters.pop("sparse", True) bqm = oj.model.model.BinaryQuadraticModel.from_ising( h, J, sparse=sparse_option ) return self.sample(bqm, sparse=sparse_option, **parameters)
[docs] @samplemixinmethod def sample_qubo(self, Q, **parameters): """Sample from a QUBO model using the implemented sample method. Args: Q (dict or numpy.ndarray): Coefficients of a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization Returns: :class:`openjij.sampler.response.Response`: results """ if isinstance(Q, dict): sparse_option = parameters.pop("sparse", True) bqm = oj.model.model.BinaryQuadraticModel.from_qubo( Q, sparse=sparse_option ) return self.sample(bqm, sparse=sparse_option, **parameters) elif isinstance(Q, np.ndarray): # apply np.ndarray disables sparse option sparse_option = parameters.pop("sparse", False) bqm = oj.model.model.BinaryQuadraticModel.from_numpy_matrix( Q, vartype="BINARY" ) return self.sample(bqm, sparse=sparse_option, **parameters) else: raise TypeError("Q must be either dict or np.ndarray")