Source code for openjij.model.king_graph

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from __future__ import annotations
from dimod import SPIN

import openjij
import openjij as oj

from openjij.model.model import make_BinaryQuadraticModel

[docs] def make_KingGraph(linear=None, quadratic=None, king_graph=None): """KingGraph factory Returns: generated KingGraph class """ mock_linear = {} mock_quadratic = {} if linear is not None: mock_linear = linear if quadratic is not None: mock_quadratic = quadratic if mock_linear == {} and mock_quadratic == {}: # no elements in linear and quadratic # fetch first element of the king_graph label = (king_graph[0][0], king_graph[0][0]) # add to linear mock_linear[label] = 1.0 class KingGraph(make_BinaryQuadraticModel(mock_linear, mock_quadratic)): """ BQM for king graph of HITACHI CMOS Annealer Attributes: xrange (list(int)): represents hardware (CMOS) restricts for coordinate. [xmin, xmax] yrange (list(int)): represents hardware (CMOS) restricts for coordinate. [ymin, ymax] prange (list(int)): represents hardware (CMOS) restricts for the strength of interactions 'p'. [pmin, pmax] king_graph (list(int)): Annealing cloud Web API format representation of interaction coefficients Quadratic term [x1, y1, x2, y2, value] Linear term [x1, y1, x1, y1, value] """ def __init__( self, linear: dict = None, quadratic: dict = None, offset: float = 0.0, king_graph=None, vartype=SPIN, machine_type: str = "", ): """__init__. Args: linear (dict): linear biases quadratic (dict): quadratic biases offset (float): offset king_graph: represents ising or QUBO interaction. Each spins are decided by 2-d corrdinate x, y. Quadratic term [x1, y1, x2, y2, value] Linear term [x1, y1, x1, y1, value] vartype: 'SPIN' or 'BINARY' machine_type (str): choose 'ASIC' or 'FPGA' """ vartype = oj.variable_type.cast_vartype(vartype) # set parameter ranges self.machine_type = machine_type if self.machine_type == "ASIC": self.xrange = [0, 351 + 1] self.yrange = [0, 175 + 1] self.prange = [-3, 3] elif self.machine_type == "FPGA": self.xrange = [0, 79 + 1] self.yrange = [0, 79 + 1] self.prange = [-127, 127] else: raise ValueError("machine type should be ASIC or FPGA") # convert format h, J, Q and initilize BQM if king_graph is not None: linear, quadratic = self._convert_to_BQM_format(king_graph, vartype) super().__init__(linear, quadratic, offset=offset, vartype=vartype) # reformat to ising king graph (which is Web API format) if king_graph is not None and vartype == SPIN: self._ising_king_graph = king_graph else: # generate Ising h and J and create ising_king_graph format lin, quad, _ = self.to_ising() self._ising_king_graph = [] for index, h in lin.items(): if h != 0: x, y = self._convert_to_xy(index) self._ising_king_graph.append([x, y, x, y, h]) for (i, j), J in quad.items(): if J != 0: x1, y1 = self._convert_to_xy(i) x2, y2 = self._convert_to_xy(j) self._ising_king_graph.append([x1, y1, x2, y2, J]) self._validation_ising_king_graph() def _convert_to_BQM_format(self, king_graph, vartype): linear, quad = {}, {} for x1, y1, x2, y2, value in king_graph: if (x1, y1) == (x2, y2): linear[(x1, y1)] = value else: quad[(x1, y1), (x2, y2)] = value return linear, quad def get_ising_king_graph(self): return self._ising_king_graph def king_indices(self): if isinstance(self.indices[0], tuple): return self.indices else: return [self._convert_to_xy(i) for i in self.indices] def _convert_to_xy(self, index): if isinstance(index, tuple): return index[0], index[1] else: y = int(index / self.xrange[1]) return int(index - y * self.xrange[1]), y def convert_to_index(self, x, y): return y * self.xrange[1] + x def _validation_ising_king_graph(self): for xi, yi, xj, yj, p in self._ising_king_graph: if yi >= self.yrange[1] or yj >= self.yrange[1]: raise ValueError( "Graph is incomplete xi: {}, yi: {}, xj: {}, yj: {}, p:{}".format( xi, yi, xj, yj, p ) ) if not (xi in [xj, xj - 1, xj + 1]) or not (yi in [yj, yj - 1, yj + 1]): raise ValueError( "Graph is incomplete xi: {}, yi: {}, xj: {}, yj: {}, p:{}".format( xi, yi, xj, yj, p ) ) if not (self.prange[0] <= p <= self.prange[1]): raise ValueError( "Graph is incomplete xi: {}, yi: {}, xj: {}, yj: {}, p: {}".format( xi, yi, xj, yj, p ) ) def energy(self, sample): return super().energy(sample, sparse=True) def energies(self, samples_like): return super().energies(sample_like, sparse=True) return KingGraph
[docs] def make_KingGraph_from_JSON(obj): """KingGraph factory for JSON Args: obj (dict): JSON object Returns: generated KingGraph class """ label = obj["variable_labels"][0] if isinstance(label, list): # convert to tuple label = tuple(label) mock_linear = {label: 1.0} return make_KingGraph(mock_linear, {})
[docs] def KingGraph( linear=None, quadratic=None, offset=0.0, king_graph=None, vartype=SPIN, machine_type="", ): """Generate KingGraph model. Args: linear (dict): linear biases quadratic (dict): quadratic biases offset (float): offset king_graph: represents ising or QUBO interaction. Each spins are decided by 2-d corrdinate x, y. * Quadratic term: [x1, y1, x2, y2, value] * Linear term: [x1, y1, x1, y1, value] vartype: 'SPIN' or 'BINARY' machine_type (str): choose 'ASIC' or 'FPGA' Returns: generated KingGraphModel Examples: The following code shows intialization of KingGraph:: >>> h = {} >>> J = {(0, 1): -1.0, (1, 2): -3.0} >>> king_graph = oj.KingGraph(machine_type="ASIC", linear=h, quadratic=J) You can initialize it from `king_interaction`:: >>> king_interaction = [[0, 0, 1, 0, -1.0], [1, 0, 2, 0, -3.0]] >>> king_graph = oj.KingGraph(machine_type="ASIC", king_graph=king_interaction) """ Model = make_KingGraph(linear, quadratic, king_graph) return Model(linear, quadratic, offset, king_graph, vartype, machine_type)
# classmethods KingGraph.from_qubo = lambda Q, offset=0.0, **kwargs: make_KingGraph({}, Q).from_qubo( Q, offset, **kwargs ) KingGraph.from_ising = lambda linear, quadratic, offset=0.0, **kwargs: make_KingGraph( linear, quadratic ).from_ising(linear, quadratic, offset, **kwargs) KingGraph.from_serializable = lambda obj: make_KingGraph_from_JSON( obj ).from_serializable(obj)