# Copyright 2022 Jij Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import cimod.cxxcimod as cxxcimod
import dimod
import numpy as np
from cimod.utils.decolator import recalc
from cimod.vartype import to_cxxcimod
def make_BinaryQuadraticModel(linear, quadratic):
"""BinaryQuadraticModel factory.
Generate BinaryQuadraticModel class with the base class specified by the arguments linear and quadratic
linear (dict): linear bias
quadratic (dict): quadratic bias
generated BinaryQuadraticModel class
# select base class
index = set()
base = None
if linear != {}:
if quadratic != {}:
if len(set(type(i) for i in index)) != 1:
raise TypeError("invalid types of linear and quadratic")
ind = next(iter(index))
if isinstance(ind, int):
base = cxxcimod.BinaryQuadraticModel_Dict
elif isinstance(ind, str):
base = cxxcimod.BinaryQuadraticModel_str_Dict
elif isinstance(ind, tuple):
if len(ind) == 2:
base = cxxcimod.BinaryQuadraticModel_tuple2_Dict
elif len(ind) == 3:
base = cxxcimod.BinaryQuadraticModel_tuple3_Dict
elif len(ind) == 4:
base = cxxcimod.BinaryQuadraticModel_tuple4_Dict
raise TypeError("invalid length of tuple")
raise TypeError("invalid types of linear and quadratic")
# now define class
class BinaryQuadraticModel(base):
"""Represents Binary quadratic model.
Note that the indices are converted to the integers internally.
The dictionaries between indices and integers are self.ind_to_num (indices -> integers) and self.num_to_ind (integers -> indices).
Indices are listed in self._indices.
vartype (cimod.VariableType): variable type SPIN or BINARY
linear (dict): represents linear term
quadratic (dict): represents quadratic term
adj (dict): represents adjacency
indices (list): labels of each variables sorted by results variables
ind_to_num (list): map which specifies where the index is in self._indices
offset (float): represents constant energy term when convert to SPIN from BINARY
def __init__(self, linear, quadratic, offset, vartype):
super().__init__(linear, quadratic, offset, to_cxxcimod(vartype))
def _init_process(self):
# set recalculate flag True
# Be sure to enable this flag when variables are changed.
self._re_calculate = True
self._re_calculate_indices = True
# interaction_matrix
self._interaction_matrix = None
# indices
self._indices = None
# ind to num
self._ind_to_num = None
def linear(self):
return self.get_linear()
def quadratic(self):
return self.get_quadratic()
def num_variables(self):
return self.get_num_variables()
def variables(self):
return self.get_variables()
def vartype(self):
vartype = super().get_vartype()
if vartype == cxxcimod.Vartype.SPIN:
return dimod.SPIN
return dimod.BINARY
def offset(self):
return self.get_offset()
def indices(self):
ind, _ = self.update_indices()
return ind
def update_indices(self):
"""calculate self._indices and self.ind_to_num
self._indices and self._ind_to_num
if self._re_calculate_indices is True:
self._indices = self._generate_indices()
self._ind_to_num = {ind: num for num, ind in enumerate(self._indices)}
self._re_calculate_indices = False
return self._indices, self._ind_to_num
def interaction_matrix(self):
"""make Dense-type interaction matrix
The Ising model: E = ΣJ_ij σiσj + Σhiσi
Interaction matrix -> H_ij = J_ij + J_ji, H_ii = hi
QUBO: E = Σ1/2Q_ij q_iq_j + ΣQ_ii q_i
numpy.ndarray: interactioin matrix H_{ij} or Q_{ij}, energy_bias (float)
if self._re_calculate is True:
# calculate interaction matrix
indices, ind_to_num = self.update_indices()
self._interaction_matrix = super().interaction_matrix(indices)
self._re_calculate = False
return self._interaction_matrix
def energy(self, sample, sparse=False, convert_sample=False):
"""Determine the energy of the specified sample of a binary quadratic model.
sample (dict): single sample.
sparse (bool): if true calculate energy by using adjacency matrix
convert_sample (bool): if true the sample is automatically converted to self.vartype type.
energy (float)
indices, ind_to_num = self.update_indices()
# convert sample to dict
if isinstance(sample, list) or isinstance(sample, np.ndarray):
sample = {indices[i]: elem for i, elem in enumerate(sample)}
# convert samples to SPIN or BINARY
if convert_sample:
for k in sample.keys():
if sample[k] == -1 and self.vartype == dimod.BINARY:
sample[k] = 0
if sample[k] == 0 and self.vartype == dimod.SPIN:
sample[k] = -1
if sparse:
return super().energy(sample)
# convert to array
if isinstance(sample, dict):
state = [0] * len(sample)
for k, v in sample.items():
state[ind_to_num[k]] = v
sample = state
sample = np.array(sample)
int_mat = self.interaction_matrix()
# calculate
if self.vartype == dimod.BINARY:
return (
np.dot(sample, np.dot(np.triu(int_mat), sample))
+ self.get_offset()
elif self.vartype == dimod.SPIN:
linear_term = np.diag(int_mat)
energy = (
np.dot(sample, np.dot(int_mat, sample)) - np.sum(linear_term)
) / 2
energy += np.dot(linear_term, sample)
energy += self.get_offset()
return energy
def energies(self, samples_like, **kwargs):
en_vec = []
for elem in samples_like:
en_vec.append(self.energy(elem, **kwargs))
return en_vec
def empty(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().empty(*args, **kwargs)
def add_variable(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().add_variable(*args, **kwargs)
def add_variables_from(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().add_variables_from(*args, **kwargs)
def add_interaction(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().add_interaction(*args, **kwargs)
def add_interactions_from(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().add_interactions_from(*args, **kwargs)
def remove_variable(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().remove_variable(*args, **kwargs)
def remove_variables_from(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().remove_variables_from(*args, **kwargs)
def remove_interaction(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().remove_interaction(*args, **kwargs)
def remove_interactions_from(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().remove_interactions_from(*args, **kwargs)
def add_offset(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().add_offset(*args, **kwargs)
def remove_offset(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().remove_offset(*args, **kwargs)
def scale(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().scale(*args, **kwargs)
def normalize(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().normalize(*args, **kwargs)
def fix_variable(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().fix_variable(*args, **kwargs)
def fix_variables(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().fix_variables(*args, **kwargs)
def flip_variable(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().flip_variable(*args, **kwargs)
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().update(*args, **kwargs)
def contract_variables(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super().contract_variables(*args, **kwargs)
def change_vartype(self, vartype, inplace=None):
Create a binary quadratic model with the specified vartype
vartype (cimod.Vartype): SPIN or BINARY
A new instance of the BinaryQuadraticModel class.
cxxvartype = to_cxxcimod(vartype)
if inplace is None:
# in the case inplace is not None
bqm = super().change_vartype(cxxvartype, inplace)
self._re_calculate = True
return BinaryQuadraticModel(
bqm.get_linear(), bqm.get_quadratic(), bqm.get_offset(), vartype
def from_qubo(cls, Q, offset=0.0, **kwargs):
linear = {}
quadratic = {}
for (u, v), bias in Q.items():
if u == v:
linear[u] = bias
quadratic[(u, v)] = bias
return cls(linear, quadratic, offset, vartype=dimod.BINARY, **kwargs)
def from_ising(cls, linear, quadratic, offset=0.0, **kwargs):
return cls(linear, quadratic, offset, vartype=dimod.SPIN, **kwargs)
def from_serializable(cls, obj):
variable_labels = [
tuple(elem) if isinstance(elem, list) else elem
for elem in obj["variable_labels"]
# convert to linear biases
linear = {
elem: obj["linear_biases"][k] for k, elem in enumerate(variable_labels)
# convert to quadratic biases
zipped_obj = zip(
obj["quadratic_head"], obj["quadratic_tail"], obj["quadratic_biases"]
quadratic = {
(variable_labels[elem[0]], variable_labels[elem[1]]): elem[2]
for elem in zipped_obj
# set offset
offset = obj["offset"]
# set vartype
vartype = dimod.SPIN if obj["variable_type"] == "SPIN" else dimod.BINARY
return cls(linear, quadratic, offset, vartype)
return BinaryQuadraticModel
# for JSON
def make_BinaryQuadraticModel_from_JSON(obj):
label = obj["variable_labels"][0]
if isinstance(label, list):
# convert to tuple
label = tuple(label)
mock_linear = {label: 1.0}
return make_BinaryQuadraticModel(mock_linear, {})
def BinaryQuadraticModel(linear, quadratic, *args, **kwargs):
Model = make_BinaryQuadraticModel(linear, quadratic)
if len(args) == 2:
[offset, vartype] = args
return Model(linear, quadratic, offset, to_cxxcimod(vartype))
elif len(args) == 1 and "vartype" in kwargs:
[offset] = args
vartype = kwargs["vartype"]
return Model(linear, quadratic, offset, to_cxxcimod(vartype))
elif len(args) == 1:
[vartype] = args
return Model(linear, quadratic, 0.0, to_cxxcimod(vartype))
elif len(args) == 0 and "vartype" in kwargs:
vartype = kwargs["vartype"]
return Model(linear, quadratic, 0.0, to_cxxcimod(vartype))
raise TypeError("invalid args for BinaryQuadraticModel")
# classmethods
BinaryQuadraticModel.from_qubo = (
lambda Q, offset=0.0, **kwargs: make_BinaryQuadraticModel({}, Q).from_qubo(
Q, offset, **kwargs
BinaryQuadraticModel.from_ising = (
lambda linear, quadratic, offset=0.0, **kwargs: make_BinaryQuadraticModel(
linear, quadratic
).from_ising(linear, quadratic, offset, **kwargs)
BinaryQuadraticModel.from_serializable = (
lambda obj: make_BinaryQuadraticModel_from_JSON(obj).from_serializable(obj)