C++ library for a binary (and polynomial) quadratic model.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright 2022 Jij Inc.
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
77 #pragma once
79 #include <algorithm>
80 #include <cassert>
81 #include <cstdint>
82 #include <functional>
83 #include <iostream>
84 #include <limits>
85 #include <set>
86 #include <string>
87 #include <tuple>
88 #include <type_traits>
89 #include <typeinfo>
90 #include <unordered_map>
91 #include <unordered_set>
92 #include <utility>
93 #include <vector>
95 #include <Eigen/Dense>
96 #include <Eigen/Sparse>
99 #include "cimod/hash.hpp"
100 #include "cimod/json.hpp"
101 #include "cimod/utilities.hpp"
102 #include "cimod/vartypes.hpp"
104 namespace cimod {
110  template<typename IndexType, typename FloatType>
111  using Linear = std::unordered_map<IndexType, FloatType>;
118  template<typename IndexType, typename FloatType>
119  using Quadratic = std::unordered_map<std::pair<IndexType, IndexType>, FloatType, pair_hash>;
126  template<typename IndexType, typename FloatType>
127  using Adjacency = std::unordered_map<IndexType, std::unordered_map<IndexType, FloatType>>;
134  template<typename IndexType>
135  using Sample = std::unordered_map<IndexType, int32_t>;
137  struct Dense { };
138  struct Sparse { };
147  template<typename IndexType, typename FloatType, typename DataType>
149  private:
157  template<typename T, typename U>
158  using dispatch_t = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, U>, std::nullptr_t>;
160  public:
167  using DenseMatrix = Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>;
168  using SparseMatrix = Eigen::SparseMatrix<FloatType, Eigen::RowMajor>;
169  using SpIter = typename SparseMatrix::InnerIterator;
171  using Matrix = std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<DataType, Dense>, DenseMatrix, SparseMatrix>;
173  using Vector = Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>;
175  protected:
196  std::vector<IndexType> _idx_to_label;
201  std::unordered_map<IndexType, size_t> _label_to_idx;
207  FloatType m_offset;
218  inline void _set_label_to_idx() {
219  // reset
220  _label_to_idx.clear();
221  // initialize
222  for ( size_t i = 0; i < _idx_to_label.size(); i++ ) {
223  _label_to_idx[ _idx_to_label[ i ] ] = i;
224  }
225  }
237  template<typename T = DataType>
238  inline FloatType &_quadmat_get( size_t i, size_t j, dispatch_t<T, Dense> = nullptr ) {
239  return _quadmat( i, j );
240  }
252  template<typename T = DataType>
253  inline FloatType _quadmat_get( size_t i, size_t j, dispatch_t<T, Dense> = nullptr ) const {
254  return _quadmat( i, j );
255  }
267  template<typename T = DataType>
268  inline FloatType &_quadmat_get( size_t i, size_t j, dispatch_t<T, Sparse> = nullptr ) {
269  return _quadmat.coeffRef( i, j );
270  }
282  template<typename T = DataType>
283  inline FloatType _quadmat_get( size_t i, size_t j, dispatch_t<T, Sparse> = nullptr ) const {
284  return _quadmat.coeff( i, j );
285  }
295  inline FloatType &_mat( IndexType label_i, IndexType label_j ) {
296  size_t i = label_i );
297  size_t j = label_j );
298  if ( i != j )
299  return _quadmat_get( std::min( i, j ), std::max( i, j ) );
300  else
301  throw std::runtime_error( "No self-loop (mat(i,i)) allowed" );
302  }
311  inline FloatType &_mat( IndexType label_i ) {
312  size_t i = label_i );
313  return _quadmat_get( i, _quadmat.rows() - 1 );
314  }
324  inline FloatType _mat( IndexType label_i, IndexType label_j ) const {
325  size_t i = label_i );
326  size_t j = label_j );
328  if ( i != j )
329  return _quadmat_get( std::min( i, j ), std::max( i, j ) );
330  else
331  throw std::runtime_error( "No self-loop (mat(i,i)) allowed" );
332  }
341  inline FloatType _mat( IndexType label_i ) const {
342  size_t i = label_i );
343  return _quadmat_get( i, _quadmat.rows() - 1 );
344  }
351  template<typename T = DataType>
352  inline FloatType _max_linear( dispatch_t<T, Dense> = nullptr ) const {
353  size_t N = _quadmat.rows();
354  return _quadmat.block( 0, N - 1, N - 1, 1 ).maxCoeff();
355  }
362  template<typename T = DataType>
363  inline FloatType _max_quadratic( dispatch_t<T, Dense> = nullptr ) const {
364  size_t N = _quadmat.rows();
365  return _quadmat.block( 0, 0, N - 1, N - 1 ).maxCoeff();
366  }
373  template<typename T = DataType>
374  inline FloatType _min_linear( dispatch_t<T, Dense> = nullptr ) const {
375  size_t N = _quadmat.rows();
376  return _quadmat.block( 0, N - 1, N - 1, 1 ).minCoeff();
377  }
384  template<typename T = DataType>
385  inline FloatType _min_quadratic( dispatch_t<T, Dense> = nullptr ) const {
386  size_t N = _quadmat.rows();
387  return _quadmat.block( 0, 0, N - 1, N - 1 ).minCoeff();
388  }
395  template<typename T = DataType>
396  inline FloatType _max_linear( dispatch_t<T, Sparse> = nullptr ) const {
397  size_t N = _quadmat.rows();
398  SparseMatrix mat( N - 1, 1 );
399  mat = _quadmat.block( 0, N - 1, N - 1, 1 );
400  return mat.coeffs().maxCoeff();
401  }
408  template<typename T = DataType>
409  inline FloatType _max_quadratic( dispatch_t<T, Sparse> = nullptr ) const {
410  size_t N = _quadmat.rows();
411  SparseMatrix mat( N - 1, N - 1 );
412  mat = _quadmat.block( 0, 0, N - 1, N - 1 );
413  return mat.coeffs().maxCoeff();
414  }
421  template<typename T = DataType>
422  inline FloatType _min_linear( dispatch_t<T, Sparse> = nullptr ) const {
423  size_t N = _quadmat.rows();
424  SparseMatrix mat( N - 1, 1 );
425  mat = _quadmat.block( 0, N - 1, N - 1, 1 );
426  return mat.coeffs().minCoeff();
427  }
434  template<typename T = DataType>
435  inline FloatType _min_quadratic( dispatch_t<T, Sparse> = nullptr ) const {
436  size_t N = _quadmat.rows();
437  SparseMatrix mat( N - 1, N - 1 );
438  mat = _quadmat.block( 0, 0, N - 1, N - 1 );
439  return mat.coeffs().minCoeff();
440  }
447  template<typename T = DataType>
448  inline void _insert_label_into_mat( IndexType label_i, dispatch_t<T, Dense> = nullptr ) {
449  size_t i = label_i );
450  // define temp mat
451  size_t N = _quadmat.rows() + 1;
452  Matrix tempmat = Matrix( N, N );
453  tempmat.setZero();
454  // copy elements to new matrix
455  tempmat.block( 0, 0, i, i ) = _quadmat.block( 0, 0, i, i );
456  tempmat.block( 0, i + 1, i, N - i - 1 ) = _quadmat.block( 0, i, i, N - i - 1 );
457  tempmat.block( i + 1, i + 1, N - i - 1, N - i - 1 ) = _quadmat.block( i, i, N - i - 1, N - i - 1 );
459  _quadmat = tempmat;
460  }
467  template<typename T = DataType>
468  inline void _insert_label_into_mat( IndexType label_i, dispatch_t<T, Sparse> = nullptr ) {
469  size_t i = label_i );
470  // define temp mat
471  size_t N = _quadmat.rows() + 1;
472  // Matrix tempmat = Matrix(N, N);
473  // copy elements to new matrix
474  // tempmat.block(0,0,i,i) = _quadmat.block(0,0,i,i);
475  // tempmat.block(0,i+1,i,N-i-1) = _quadmat.block(0,i,i,N-i-1);
476  // tempmat.block(i+1,i+1,N-i-1,N-i-1) = _quadmat.block(i,i,N-i-1,N-i-1);
478  std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<FloatType>> triplets;
479  triplets.reserve( _quadmat.nonZeros() );
481  for ( int k = 0; k < _quadmat.outerSize(); k++ ) {
482  for ( SpIter it( _quadmat, k ); it; ++it ) {
483  size_t r = it.row();
484  size_t c = it.col();
485  FloatType val = it.value();
487  if ( r >= i && c >= i ) {
488  triplets.emplace_back( r + 1, c + 1, val );
489  } else if ( r >= i ) {
490  triplets.emplace_back( r + 1, c, val );
491  } else if ( c >= i ) {
492  triplets.emplace_back( r, c + 1, val );
493  } else {
494  triplets.emplace_back( r, c, val );
495  }
496  }
497  }
499  _quadmat.resize( N, N );
500  _quadmat.setFromTriplets( triplets.begin(), triplets.end() );
501  }
508  template<typename T = DataType>
509  inline void _delete_label_from_mat( IndexType label_i, dispatch_t<T, Dense> = nullptr ) {
510  size_t i = label_i );
511  // define temp mat
512  size_t N = _quadmat.rows();
513  Matrix tempmat = Matrix( N - 1, N - 1 );
514  tempmat.setZero();
515  // copy elements to new matrix
516  tempmat.block( 0, 0, i, i ) = _quadmat.block( 0, 0, i, i );
517  tempmat.block( 0, i, i, N - i - 1 ) = _quadmat.block( 0, i + 1, i, N - i - 1 );
518  tempmat.block( i, i, N - i - 1, N - i - 1 ) = _quadmat.block( i + 1, i + 1, N - i - 1, N - i - 1 );
520  _quadmat = tempmat;
521  }
528  template<typename T = DataType>
529  inline void _delete_label_from_mat( IndexType label_i, dispatch_t<T, Sparse> = nullptr ) {
530  size_t i = label_i );
531  // define temp mat
532  size_t N = _quadmat.rows();
533  // copy elements to new matrix
534  // tempmat.block(0,0,i,i) = _quadmat.block(0,0,i,i);
535  // tempmat.block(0,i,i,N-i-1) = _quadmat.block(0,i+1,i,N-i-1);
536  // tempmat.block(i,i,N-i-1,N-i-1) = _quadmat.block(i+1,i+1,N-i-1,N-i-1);
538  std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<FloatType>> triplets;
539  triplets.reserve( _quadmat.nonZeros() );
541  for ( int k = 0; k < _quadmat.outerSize(); k++ ) {
542  for ( SpIter it( _quadmat, k ); it; ++it ) {
543  size_t r = it.row();
544  size_t c = it.col();
545  FloatType val = it.value();
547  if ( r == i || c == i )
548  continue;
550  if ( r > i && c > i ) {
551  triplets.emplace_back( r - 1, c - 1, val );
552  } else if ( r > i ) {
553  triplets.emplace_back( r - 1, c, val );
554  } else if ( c > i ) {
555  triplets.emplace_back( r, c - 1, val );
556  } else {
557  triplets.emplace_back( r, c, val );
558  }
559  }
560  }
562  _quadmat.resize( N - 1, N - 1 );
563  _quadmat.setFromTriplets( triplets.begin(), triplets.end() );
564  }
572  inline void _add_new_label( IndexType label_i ) {
573  if ( _label_to_idx.find( label_i ) == _label_to_idx.end() ) {
574  // add label_i
575  _idx_to_label.push_back( label_i );
576  std::sort( _idx_to_label.begin(), _idx_to_label.end() );
579  _insert_label_into_mat( label_i );
580  }
581  }
591  inline void _delete_label( IndexType label_i, bool force_delete = true ) {
592  auto position = std::find( _idx_to_label.begin(), _idx_to_label.end(), label_i );
593  if ( position != _idx_to_label.end() ) {
594  if ( force_delete == false ) {
595  // check if there are corresponding nonzero elements
596  size_t i = std::distance( _idx_to_label.begin(), position );
597  if ( _quadmat.col( i ).squaredNorm() > std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::epsilon()
598  || _quadmat.row( i ).squaredNorm() > std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::epsilon() ) {
599  // exists nonzero elements
600  return;
601  }
602  }
603  // delete from matrix first
604  _delete_label_from_mat( label_i );
605  // add label_i
606  _idx_to_label.erase( position );
607  // already sorted
608  // std::sort(_idx_to_label.begin(), _idx_to_label.end());
610  }
611  }
619  template<typename T = DataType>
620  inline void _initialize_quadmat(
621  const Linear<IndexType, FloatType> &linear,
622  const Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType> &quadratic,
623  dispatch_t<T, Dense> = nullptr ) {
624  // gather labels
625  std::unordered_set<IndexType> labels;
627  for ( const auto &kv : linear ) {
628  labels.insert( kv.first );
629  }
631  for ( const auto &kv : quadratic ) {
632  labels.insert( kv.first.first );
633  labels.insert( kv.first.second );
634  }
636  // init label <-> index conversion variables
637  _idx_to_label = std::vector<IndexType>( labels.begin(), labels.end() );
638  std::sort( _idx_to_label.begin(), _idx_to_label.end() );
641  // initialize _quadmat
642  size_t mat_size = _idx_to_label.size() + 1;
643  _quadmat = Matrix( mat_size, mat_size );
644  _quadmat.fill( 0 );
645  _quadmat_get( mat_size - 1, mat_size - 1 ) = 1;
647  // copy linear and quadratic to _quadmat
648  for ( const auto &kv : linear ) {
649  IndexType key = kv.first;
650  FloatType val = kv.second;
651  _mat( key ) += val;
652  }
654  for ( const auto &kv : quadratic ) {
655  std::pair<IndexType, IndexType> key = kv.first;
656  FloatType val = kv.second;
657  _mat( key.first, key.second ) += val;
658  }
659  }
667  template<typename T = DataType>
668  inline void _initialize_quadmat(
669  const Linear<IndexType, FloatType> &linear,
670  const Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType> &quadratic,
671  dispatch_t<T, Sparse> = nullptr ) {
672  // gather labels
673  std::unordered_set<IndexType> labels;
675  for ( const auto &kv : linear ) {
676  labels.insert( kv.first );
677  }
679  for ( const auto &kv : quadratic ) {
680  labels.insert( kv.first.first );
681  labels.insert( kv.first.second );
682  }
684  // init label <-> index conversion variables
685  _idx_to_label = std::vector<IndexType>( labels.begin(), labels.end() );
686  std::sort( _idx_to_label.begin(), _idx_to_label.end() );
689  // initialize _quadmat
690  size_t mat_size = _idx_to_label.size() + 1;
691  _quadmat = Matrix( mat_size, mat_size );
693  std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<FloatType>> triplets;
694  const size_t buffer = 5;
695  triplets.reserve( linear.size() + quadratic.size() + buffer );
697  // set triplets to _quadmat
698  for ( const auto &kv : linear ) {
699  size_t idx1 = kv.first );
700  size_t idx2 = mat_size - 1;
701  FloatType val = kv.second;
703  // NOTE: duplicated elements are summed up.
704  triplets.emplace_back( std::min( idx1, idx2 ), std::max( idx1, idx2 ), val );
705  }
707  for ( const auto &kv : quadratic ) {
708  size_t idx1 = kv.first.first );
709  size_t idx2 = kv.first.second );
710  FloatType val = kv.second;
712  // NOTE: duplicated elements are summed up.
713  triplets.emplace_back( std::min( idx1, idx2 ), std::max( idx1, idx2 ), val );
714  }
716  triplets.emplace_back( mat_size - 1, mat_size - 1, 1 );
718  _quadmat.setFromTriplets( triplets.begin(), triplets.end() );
719  }
728  template<typename T = DataType>
729  inline void _add_triangular_elements( const DenseMatrix &mat, bool fix_format, dispatch_t<T, Dense> = nullptr ) {
731  size_t mat_size = _idx_to_label.size() + 1;
733  if ( ( size_t )mat.rows() == _idx_to_label.size() + 1 ) {
734  if ( fix_format == false ) {
735  _quadmat = mat;
736  } else {
737  _quadmat += mat.template triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyUpper>();
738  _quadmat += mat.template triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyLower>().transpose();
739  }
740  } else if ( ( size_t )mat.rows() == _idx_to_label.size() ) {
741  _quadmat.block( 0, 0, mat_size - 1, mat_size - 1 ) += mat.template triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyUpper>();
742  _quadmat.block( 0, 0, mat_size - 1, mat_size - 1 )
743  += mat.template triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyLower>().transpose();
744  // local fields
745  Vector loc = mat.diagonal();
746  _quadmat.block( 0, mat_size - 1, mat_size - 1, 1 ) += loc;
747  } else {
748  throw std::runtime_error( "the number of variables and dimension do not match." );
749  }
750  }
759  template<typename T = DataType>
760  inline void _add_triangular_elements( const DenseMatrix &mat, bool fix_format, dispatch_t<T, Sparse> = nullptr ) {
762  // generate sparse matrix
763  SparseMatrix sparse_mat;
765  size_t mat_size = _idx_to_label.size() + 1;
767  if ( ( size_t )mat.rows() == _idx_to_label.size() + 1 ) {
768  if ( fix_format == false ) {
769  _quadmat = mat.sparseView();
770  } else {
771  sparse_mat = mat.sparseView();
772  _quadmat += sparse_mat.template triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyUpper>();
773  sparse_mat = mat.sparseView().transpose();
774  _quadmat += sparse_mat.template triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyUpper>();
775  }
776  } else if ( ( size_t )mat.rows() == _idx_to_label.size() ) {
777  // generate Dense Matrix
778  DenseMatrix temp_mat = DenseMatrix::Zero( mat_size, mat_size );
780  temp_mat.block( 0, 0, mat_size - 1, mat_size - 1 ) += mat.template triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyUpper>();
781  temp_mat.block( 0, 0, mat_size - 1, mat_size - 1 )
782  += mat.template triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyLower>().transpose();
783  // local fields
784  Vector loc = mat.diagonal();
785  temp_mat.block( 0, mat_size - 1, mat_size - 1, 1 ) += loc;
787  // insert in sparsematrix
788  _quadmat += temp_mat.sparseView();
789  } else {
790  throw std::runtime_error( "the number of variables and dimension do not match." );
791  }
792  }
834  inline void _initialize_quadmat( const DenseMatrix &mat, const std::vector<IndexType> &labels_vec, bool fix_format ) {
836  // initlaize label <-> index dict
837  std::unordered_set<IndexType> labels( labels_vec.begin(), labels_vec.end() );
838  _idx_to_label = std::vector<IndexType>( labels.begin(), labels.end() );
839  std::sort( _idx_to_label.begin(), _idx_to_label.end() );
842  if ( mat.rows() != mat.cols() ) {
843  throw std::runtime_error( "matrix must be a square matrix" );
844  }
846  size_t mat_size = _idx_to_label.size() + 1;
847  _quadmat = Matrix( mat_size, mat_size );
848  _quadmat.setZero();
849  _add_triangular_elements( mat, fix_format );
850  _quadmat_get( mat_size - 1, mat_size - 1 ) = 1;
851  }
854  Linear<IndexType, FloatType> ret_linear;
855  for ( size_t i = 0; i < _idx_to_label.size(); i++ ) {
856  FloatType val = _quadmat_get( i, _idx_to_label.size() );
857  if ( val != 0 )
858  ret_linear[ _idx_to_label[ i ] ] = val;
859  }
861  return ret_linear;
862  }
864  template<typename T = DataType>
866  Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType> ret_quadratic;
867  for ( size_t i = 0; i < _idx_to_label.size(); i++ ) {
868  for ( size_t j = i + 1; j < _idx_to_label.size(); j++ ) {
869  FloatType val = _quadmat_get( i, j );
870  if ( val != 0 )
871  ret_quadratic[ std::make_pair( _idx_to_label[ i ], _idx_to_label[ j ] ) ] = val;
872  }
873  }
875  return ret_quadratic;
876  }
878  template<typename T = DataType>
880  Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType> ret_quadratic;
882  for ( int k = 0; k < _quadmat.outerSize(); k++ ) {
883  // k -> row index
884  for ( SpIter it( _quadmat, k ); it; ++it ) {
885  size_t r = it.row();
886  size_t c = it.col();
887  FloatType val = it.value();
889  if ( r < this->get_num_variables() && c < this->get_num_variables() && val != 0 )
890  ret_quadratic[ std::make_pair( _idx_to_label[ r ], _idx_to_label[ c ] ) ] = val;
891  }
892  }
894  return ret_quadratic;
895  }
914  inline void _initialize_quadmat( const SparseMatrix &mat, const std::vector<IndexType> &labels_vec ) {
915  this->_quadmat = mat;
916  std::unordered_set<IndexType> labels( labels_vec.begin(), labels_vec.end() );
917  _idx_to_label = std::vector<IndexType>( labels.begin(), labels.end() );
918  std::sort( _idx_to_label.begin(), _idx_to_label.end() );
920  }
936  template<typename T = DataType>
937  inline void _spin_to_binary( dispatch_t<T, Dense> = nullptr ) {
938  size_t num_variables = _idx_to_label.size();
940  // calc col(row)wise-sum ((num_variables, 1))
941  // Vector colwise_sum = _quadmat.block(0,0,num_variables,num_variables).colwise().sum();
942  Vector colwise_sum( num_variables );
943  for ( size_t i = 0; i < num_variables; i++ ) {
944  colwise_sum( i ) = _quadmat.block( 0, 0, i, num_variables ).col( i ).sum();
945  }
947  Vector rowwise_sum = _quadmat.block( 0, 0, num_variables, num_variables ).rowwise().sum();
949  Vector local_field = _quadmat.block( 0, num_variables, num_variables, 1 );
951  // offset
952  m_offset += colwise_sum.sum() - local_field.sum();
954  // local field
955  _quadmat.block( 0, num_variables, num_variables, 1 ) = 2 * local_field - 2 * ( colwise_sum + rowwise_sum );
957  // quadratic
958  _quadmat.block( 0, 0, num_variables, num_variables ) *= 4;
959  }
975  template<typename T = DataType>
976  inline void _spin_to_binary( dispatch_t<T, Sparse> = nullptr ) {
977  size_t num_variables = _idx_to_label.size();
979  // calc col(row)wise-sum ((num_variables, 1))
980  // Vector colwise_sum = _quadmat.block(0,0,num_variables,num_variables).colwise().sum();
981  // Vector rowwise_sum = _quadmat.block(0,0,num_variables,num_variables).rowwise().sum();
983  Vector colwise_sum( num_variables );
984  Vector rowwise_sum( num_variables );
985  colwise_sum.setZero();
986  rowwise_sum.setZero();
988  for ( int k = 0; k < _quadmat.outerSize(); k++ ) {
989  // k -> row index
990  for ( SpIter it( _quadmat, k ); it; ++it ) {
991  size_t r = it.row();
992  size_t c = it.col();
993  FloatType val = it.value();
995  if ( ( r < num_variables ) && ( c < num_variables ) ) {
996  colwise_sum( c ) += val;
997  rowwise_sum( r ) += val;
998  }
999  }
1000  }
1002  Vector local_field = _quadmat.block( 0, num_variables, num_variables, 1 );
1004  // offset
1005  m_offset += colwise_sum.sum() - local_field.sum();
1007  // local field
1008  //_quadmat.block(0,num_variables,num_variables,1)
1009  // = 2 * local_field - 2 * (colwise_sum + rowwise_sum);
1011  // quadratic
1012  //_quadmat.block(0,0,num_variables,num_variables) *= 4;
1014  Vector new_local_field = 2 * local_field - 2 * ( colwise_sum + rowwise_sum );
1016  std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<FloatType>> triplets;
1017  triplets.reserve( _quadmat.nonZeros() );
1018  for ( size_t r = 0; r < num_variables; r++ ) {
1019  triplets.emplace_back( r, num_variables, new_local_field( r ) );
1020  }
1022  for ( int k = 0; k < _quadmat.outerSize(); k++ ) {
1023  // k -> row index
1024  for ( SpIter it( _quadmat, k ); it; ++it ) {
1025  size_t r = it.row();
1026  size_t c = it.col();
1027  FloatType val = it.value();
1029  if ( ( r < num_variables ) && ( c < num_variables ) ) {
1030  triplets.emplace_back( r, c, 4 * val );
1031  }
1032  }
1033  }
1035  triplets.emplace_back( num_variables, num_variables, 1 );
1037  _quadmat = SparseMatrix( num_variables + 1, num_variables + 1 );
1038  _quadmat.setFromTriplets( triplets.begin(), triplets.end() );
1039  }
1055  template<typename T = DataType>
1056  inline void _binary_to_spin( dispatch_t<T, Dense> = nullptr ) {
1057  size_t num_variables = _idx_to_label.size();
1059  // calc col(row)wise-sum ((num_variables, 1))
1060  // Vector colwise_sum = _quadmat.block(0,0,num_variables,num_variables).colwise().sum();
1061  Vector colwise_sum( num_variables );
1062  for ( size_t i = 0; i < num_variables; i++ ) {
1063  colwise_sum( i ) = _quadmat.block( 0, 0, i, num_variables ).col( i ).sum();
1064  }
1065  Vector rowwise_sum = _quadmat.block( 0, 0, num_variables, num_variables ).rowwise().sum();
1067  Vector local_field = _quadmat.block( 0, num_variables, num_variables, 1 );
1069  // offset
1070  m_offset += 0.25 * colwise_sum.sum() + 0.5 * local_field.sum();
1072  // local field
1073  _quadmat.block( 0, num_variables, num_variables, 1 ) = 0.5 * local_field + 0.25 * ( colwise_sum + rowwise_sum );
1075  // quadratic
1076  _quadmat.block( 0, 0, num_variables, num_variables ) *= 0.25;
1077  }
1093  template<typename T = DataType>
1094  inline void _binary_to_spin( dispatch_t<T, Sparse> = nullptr ) {
1095  size_t num_variables = _idx_to_label.size();
1097  // calc col(row)wise-sum ((num_variables, 1))
1098  // Vector colwise_sum = _quadmat.block(0,0,num_variables,num_variables).colwise().sum();
1099  // Vector rowwise_sum = _quadmat.block(0,0,num_variables,num_variables).rowwise().sum();
1101  Vector colwise_sum( num_variables );
1102  Vector rowwise_sum( num_variables );
1103  colwise_sum.setZero();
1104  rowwise_sum.setZero();
1106  for ( int k = 0; k < _quadmat.outerSize(); k++ ) {
1107  // k -> row index
1108  for ( SpIter it( _quadmat, k ); it; ++it ) {
1109  size_t r = it.row();
1110  size_t c = it.col();
1111  FloatType val = it.value();
1113  if ( ( r < num_variables ) && ( c < num_variables ) ) {
1114  colwise_sum( c ) += val;
1115  rowwise_sum( r ) += val;
1116  }
1117  }
1118  }
1120  Vector local_field = _quadmat.block( 0, num_variables, num_variables, 1 );
1122  // offset
1123  m_offset += 0.25 * colwise_sum.sum() + 0.5 * local_field.sum();
1125  // local field
1126  //_quadmat.block(0,num_variables,num_variables,1)
1127  // = 0.5 * local_field + 0.25 * (colwise_sum + rowwise_sum);
1129  // quadratic
1130  // quadmat.block(0,0,num_variables,num_variables) *= 0.25;
1132  Vector new_local_field = 0.5 * local_field + 0.25 * ( colwise_sum + rowwise_sum );
1134  std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<FloatType>> triplets;
1135  triplets.reserve( _quadmat.nonZeros() );
1136  for ( size_t r = 0; r < num_variables; r++ ) {
1137  triplets.emplace_back( r, num_variables, new_local_field( r ) );
1138  }
1140  for ( int k = 0; k < _quadmat.outerSize(); k++ ) {
1141  // k -> row index
1142  for ( SpIter it( _quadmat, k ); it; ++it ) {
1143  size_t r = it.row();
1144  size_t c = it.col();
1145  FloatType val = it.value();
1147  if ( ( r < num_variables ) && ( c < num_variables ) ) {
1148  triplets.emplace_back( r, c, 0.25 * val );
1149  }
1150  }
1151  }
1153  triplets.emplace_back( num_variables, num_variables, 1 );
1155  _quadmat.setFromTriplets( triplets.begin(), triplets.end() );
1156  }
1158  public:
1168  const Linear<IndexType, FloatType> &linear,
1169  const Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType> &quadratic,
1170  const FloatType &offset,
1171  const Vartype vartype ) :
1172  m_offset( offset ),
1173  m_vartype( vartype ) {
1174  _initialize_quadmat( linear, quadratic );
1175  }
1186  const Linear<IndexType, FloatType> &linear,
1187  const Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType> &quadratic,
1188  const Vartype vartype ) :
1189  BinaryQuadraticModel( linear, quadratic, 0.0, vartype ) {
1190  }
1202  const Eigen::Ref<const DenseMatrix> &mat,
1203  const std::vector<IndexType> &labels_vec,
1204  const FloatType &offset,
1205  const Vartype vartype,
1206  bool fix_format = true ) :
1207  m_offset( offset ),
1208  m_vartype( vartype ) {
1209  _initialize_quadmat( mat, labels_vec, fix_format );
1210  }
1221  const Eigen::Ref<const DenseMatrix> &mat,
1222  const std::vector<IndexType> &labels_vec,
1223  const Vartype vartype,
1224  bool fix_format = true ) :
1225  BinaryQuadraticModel( mat, labels_vec, 0.0, vartype, fix_format ) {
1226  }
1239  const SparseMatrix &mat,
1240  const std::vector<IndexType> &labels_vec,
1241  const FloatType &offset,
1242  const Vartype vartype ) :
1243  m_offset( offset ),
1244  m_vartype( vartype ) {
1245  _initialize_quadmat( mat, labels_vec );
1246  }
1257  BinaryQuadraticModel( const SparseMatrix &mat, const std::vector<IndexType> &labels_vec, const Vartype vartype ) :
1258  BinaryQuadraticModel( mat, labels_vec, 0.0, vartype ) {
1259  }
1268  size_t get_num_variables() const {
1269  return _idx_to_label.size();
1270  }
1278  size_t length() const {
1279  return get_num_variables();
1280  }
1288  bool contains( const IndexType &v ) const {
1289  if ( _label_to_idx.find( v ) != _label_to_idx.end() ) {
1290  return true;
1291  } else {
1292  return false;
1293  }
1294  }
1301  FloatType get_linear( IndexType label_i ) const {
1302  return _mat( label_i );
1303  }
1311  return _generate_linear();
1312  }
1319  FloatType get_quadratic( IndexType label_i, IndexType label_j ) const {
1320  return _mat( label_i, label_j );
1321  }
1329  return _generate_quadratic();
1330  }
1337  FloatType get_offset() const {
1338  return this->m_offset;
1339  }
1347  return this->m_vartype;
1348  }
1355  const std::vector<IndexType> &get_variables() const {
1356  return this->_idx_to_label;
1357  }
1367  }
1369  /* Update methods */
1377  void add_variable( const IndexType &v, const FloatType &bias ) {
1378  // add new label if not exist
1379  _add_new_label( v );
1380  _mat( v ) += bias;
1381  }
1389  for ( auto &it : linear ) {
1390  add_variable( it.first, it.second );
1391  }
1392  }
1401  void add_interaction( const IndexType &u, const IndexType &v, const FloatType &bias ) {
1402  // add labels u and v
1403  _add_new_label( u );
1404  _add_new_label( v );
1405  _mat( u, v ) += bias;
1406  }
1414  for ( auto &it : quadratic ) {
1415  add_interaction( it.first.first, it.first.second, it.second );
1416  }
1417  }
1424  void remove_variable( const IndexType &v ) {
1425  _delete_label( v );
1426  }
1433  void remove_variables_from( const std::vector<IndexType> &variables ) {
1434  for ( auto &it : variables ) {
1435  remove_variable( it );
1436  }
1437  }
1445  void remove_interaction( const IndexType &u, const IndexType &v ) {
1446  _mat( u, v ) = 0;
1447  _delete_label( u, false );
1448  _delete_label( v, false );
1449  }
1456  void remove_interactions_from( const std::vector<std::pair<IndexType, IndexType>> &interactions ) {
1457  for ( auto &it : interactions ) {
1458  remove_interaction( it.first, it.second );
1459  }
1460  }
1467  void add_offset( const FloatType &offset ) {
1468  m_offset += offset;
1469  }
1474  void remove_offset() {
1475  add_offset( -m_offset );
1476  }
1486  void scale(
1487  const FloatType &scalar,
1488  const std::vector<IndexType> &ignored_variables = {},
1489  const std::vector<std::pair<IndexType, IndexType>> &ignored_interactions = {},
1490  const bool ignored_offset = false ) {
1491  if ( scalar == 0.0 )
1492  throw std::runtime_error( "scalar must not be zero" );
1494  // scale
1495  _quadmat *= scalar;
1497  // revert scale of linear
1498  for ( const auto &it : ignored_variables ) {
1499  _mat( it ) *= 1.0 / scalar;
1500  }
1502  // revert scale of quadratic
1503  for ( const auto &it : ignored_interactions ) {
1504  _mat( it.first, it.second ) *= 1.0 / scalar;
1505  }
1507  // scaling offset
1508  if ( !ignored_offset ) {
1509  m_offset *= scalar;
1510  }
1511  }
1526  const std::pair<FloatType, FloatType> &bias_range = { 1.0, 1.0 },
1527  const bool use_quadratic_range = false,
1528  const std::pair<FloatType, FloatType> &quadratic_range = { 1.0, 1.0 },
1529  const std::vector<IndexType> &ignored_variables = {},
1530  const std::vector<std::pair<IndexType, IndexType>> &ignored_interactions = {},
1531  const bool ignored_offset = false ) {
1532  // parse range
1533  std::pair<FloatType, FloatType> l_range = bias_range;
1534  std::pair<FloatType, FloatType> q_range;
1535  if ( !use_quadratic_range ) {
1536  q_range = bias_range;
1537  } else {
1538  q_range = quadratic_range;
1539  }
1541  // calculate scaling value
1542  FloatType lin_min = _min_linear();
1543  FloatType lin_max = _max_linear();
1544  FloatType quad_min = _min_quadratic();
1545  FloatType quad_max = _max_quadratic();
1547  std::vector<FloatType> v_scale
1548  = { lin_min / l_range.first, lin_max / l_range.second, quad_min / q_range.first, quad_max / q_range.second };
1550  FloatType inv_scale = *std::max_element( v_scale.begin(), v_scale.end() );
1552  // scaling
1553  if ( inv_scale != 0.0 ) {
1554  scale( 1.0 / inv_scale, ignored_variables, ignored_interactions, ignored_offset );
1555  }
1556  }
1564  void fix_variable( const IndexType &v, const int32_t &value ) {
1565  std::vector<std::pair<IndexType, IndexType>> interactions;
1566  const Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType> &quadratic = this->get_quadratic();
1567  for ( const auto &it : quadratic ) {
1568  if ( it.first.first == v ) {
1569  add_variable( it.first.second, value * it.second );
1570  interactions.push_back( it.first );
1571  } else if ( it.first.second == v ) {
1572  add_variable( it.first.first, value * it.second );
1573  interactions.push_back( it.first );
1574  }
1575  }
1576  remove_interactions_from( interactions );
1577  add_offset( _mat( v ) * value );
1578  remove_variable( v );
1579  }
1586  void fix_variables( const std::vector<std::pair<IndexType, int32_t>> &fixed ) {
1587  for ( auto &it : fixed ) {
1588  fix_variable( it.first, it.second );
1589  }
1590  }
1597  void flip_variable( const IndexType &v ) {
1599  if ( m_vartype == Vartype::SPIN ) {
1600  size_t i = v );
1601  _quadmat.row( i ) *= -1;
1602  _quadmat.col( i ) *= -1;
1603  } else if ( m_vartype == Vartype::BINARY ) {
1604  // change vartype to spin
1605  this->change_vartype( Vartype::SPIN );
1607  size_t i = v );
1608  _quadmat.row( i ) *= -1;
1609  _quadmat.col( i ) *= -1;
1611  // change vartype to binary
1613  }
1614  }
1617  // * @brief Enforce u, v being the same variable in a binary quadratic model. (currently disabled)
1618  // *
1619  // * @param u
1620  // * @param v
1621  // */
1622  // void contract_variables
1623  //(
1624  // const IndexType &u,
1625  // const IndexType &v
1626  //)
1627  //{
1629  // if(this->m_vartype == Vartype::BINARY){
1630  // // the quadratic bias becomes linear
1631  // _mat(u) += _mat(v) + _mat(u,v);
1632  // }
1633  // else if(this->m_vartype == Vartype::SPIN){
1634  // _mat(u) += _mat(v);
1635  // m_offset += _mat(u,v);
1636  // }
1637  // this->remove_interaction(u,v);
1639  //}
1641  /* Transformations */
1649  void change_vartype( const Vartype &vartype ) {
1650  if ( m_vartype == Vartype::BINARY && vartype == Vartype::SPIN ) // binary -> spin
1651  {
1652  _binary_to_spin();
1653  } else if ( m_vartype == Vartype::SPIN && vartype == Vartype::BINARY ) // spin -> binary
1654  {
1655  _spin_to_binary();
1656  }
1657  }
1670  if ( inplace == true ) {
1671  this->change_vartype( vartype );
1672  }
1673  new_bqm.change_vartype( vartype );
1675  return new_bqm;
1676  }
1678  /* Methods */
1686  FloatType energy( const Sample<IndexType> &sample ) const {
1687  FloatType en = m_offset;
1688  // initialize vector
1689  Vector s = Vector::Zero( _quadmat.rows() );
1690  for ( const auto &elem : sample ) {
1691  s[ elem.first ) ] = elem.second;
1692  }
1693  s[ _quadmat.rows() - 1 ] = 1;
1695  return en + ( s.transpose() * _quadmat * s ) - 1;
1696  }
1704  std::vector<FloatType> energies( const std::vector<Sample<IndexType>> &samples_like ) const {
1705  std::vector<FloatType> en_vec;
1706  for ( auto &it : samples_like ) {
1707  en_vec.push_back( energy( it ) );
1708  }
1709  return en_vec;
1710  }
1712  /* Conversions */
1718  std::tuple<Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType>, FloatType> to_qubo() {
1719  // change vartype to binary
1722  const Linear<IndexType, FloatType> &linear = bqm.get_linear();
1724  FloatType offset = bqm.get_offset();
1725  for ( const auto &it : linear ) {
1726  Q[ std::make_pair( it.first, it.first ) ] = it.second;
1727  }
1728  return std::make_tuple( Q, offset );
1729  }
1740  from_qubo( const Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType> &Q, FloatType offset = 0.0 ) {
1744  for ( auto &&elem : Q ) {
1745  const auto &key = elem.first;
1746  const auto &value = elem.second;
1747  if ( key.first == key.second ) {
1748  linear[ key.first ] = value;
1749  } else {
1750  quadratic[ std::make_pair( key.first, key.second ) ] = value;
1751  }
1752  }
1754  return BinaryQuadraticModel<IndexType, FloatType, DataType>( linear, quadratic, offset, Vartype::BINARY );
1755  }
1762  std::tuple<Linear<IndexType, FloatType>, Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType>, FloatType> to_ising() {
1763  // change vartype to spin
1766  const Linear<IndexType, FloatType> &linear = bqm.get_linear();
1767  const Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType> &quadratic = bqm.get_quadratic();
1768  FloatType offset = bqm.get_offset();
1769  return std::make_tuple( linear, quadratic, offset );
1770  }
1782  const Linear<IndexType, FloatType> &linear,
1783  const Quadratic<IndexType, FloatType> &quadratic,
1784  FloatType offset = 0.0 ) {
1785  return BinaryQuadraticModel<IndexType, FloatType, DataType>( linear, quadratic, offset, Vartype::SPIN );
1786  }
1806  return this->_quadmat;
1807  }
1809  using json = nlohmann::json;
1816  template<typename T = DataType>
1818  std::string schema_version = "3.0.0-dense";
1819  /*
1820  * output sample
1821  * >>> bqm = dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel({'c': -1, 'd': 1}, {('a', 'd'): 2, ('b', 'e'): 5, ('a', 'c'): 3}, 0.0,
1822  * dimod.BINARY)
1823  *
1824  * >>> bqm.to_serializable()
1825  * {'type': 'BinaryQuadraticModel', 'version': {'bqm_schema': '3.0.0-dense'}, 'use_bytes': False, 'index_type':
1826  * 'uint16', 'bias_type': 'float32', 'num_variables': 5, 'variable_labels': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], 'variable_type':
1827  * 'BINARY', 'offset': 0.0, 'info': {}, 'biases': [0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0,...]}
1828  */
1830  // set index_dtype
1831  std::string index_dtype = this->get_num_variables() <= 65536UL ? "uint16" : "uint32";
1833  // set bias_type
1834  std::string bias_type;
1835  if ( typeid( m_offset ) == typeid( float ) ) {
1836  bias_type = "float32";
1837  } else if ( typeid( m_offset ) == typeid( double ) ) {
1838  bias_type = "float64";
1839  } else {
1840  throw std::runtime_error( "FloatType must be float or double." );
1841  }
1843  // set variable type
1844  std::string variable_type;
1845  if ( m_vartype == Vartype::SPIN ) {
1846  variable_type = "SPIN";
1847  } else if ( m_vartype == Vartype::BINARY ) {
1848  variable_type = "BINARY";
1849  } else {
1850  throw std::runtime_error( "Variable type must be SPIN or BINARY." );
1851  }
1853  // copy matrix to std::vector
1854  std::vector<FloatType> biases(, + _quadmat.size() );
1856  json output;
1857  output[ "type" ] = "BinaryQuadraticModel";
1858  output[ "version" ] = { { "bqm_schema", schema_version } };
1859  output[ "variable_labels" ] = this->get_variables();
1860  output[ "use_bytes" ] = false;
1861  output[ "index_type" ] = index_dtype;
1862  output[ "bias_type" ] = bias_type;
1863  output[ "num_variables" ] = this->get_num_variables();
1864  output[ "variable_type" ] = variable_type;
1865  output[ "offset" ] = m_offset;
1866  output[ "info" ] = {};
1867  output[ "biases" ] = biases;
1869  return output;
1870  }
1877  template<typename T = DataType>
1879  std::string schema_version = "3.0.0";
1880  /*
1881  * output sample
1882  * >>> bqm = dimod.BinaryQuadraticModel({'c': -1, 'd': 1}, {('a', 'd'): 2, ('b', 'e'): 5, ('a', 'c'): 3}, 0.0,
1883  * dimod.BINARY)
1884  *
1885  * >>> bqm.to_serializable()
1886  * {'type': 'BinaryQuadraticModel', 'version': {'bqm_schema': '3.0.0'}, 'use_bytes': False, 'index_type': 'uint16',
1887  * 'bias_type': 'float32', 'num_variables': 5, 'num_interactions': 3, 'variable_labels': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'],
1888  * 'variable_type': 'BINARY', 'offset': 0.0, 'info': {}, 'linear_biases': [0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0],
1889  * 'quadratic_biases': [3.0, 2.0, 5.0], 'quadratic_head': [0, 0, 1], 'quadratic_tail': [2, 3, 4]}
1890  */
1892  // set index_dtype
1893  std::string index_dtype = this->get_num_variables() <= 65536UL ? "uint16" : "uint32";
1895  // set bias_type
1896  std::string bias_type;
1897  if ( typeid( m_offset ) == typeid( float ) ) {
1898  bias_type = "float32";
1899  } else if ( typeid( m_offset ) == typeid( double ) ) {
1900  bias_type = "float64";
1901  } else {
1902  throw std::runtime_error( "FloatType must be float or double." );
1903  }
1905  // set variable type
1906  std::string variable_type;
1907  if ( m_vartype == Vartype::SPIN ) {
1908  variable_type = "SPIN";
1909  } else if ( m_vartype == Vartype::BINARY ) {
1910  variable_type = "BINARY";
1911  } else {
1912  throw std::runtime_error( "Variable type must be SPIN or BINARY." );
1913  }
1915  json output;
1916  output[ "type" ] = "BinaryQuadraticModel";
1917  output[ "version" ] = { { "bqm_schema", schema_version } };
1918  output[ "variable_labels" ] = this->get_variables();
1919  output[ "use_bytes" ] = false;
1920  output[ "index_type" ] = index_dtype;
1921  output[ "bias_type" ] = bias_type;
1922  output[ "num_variables" ] = this->get_num_variables();
1923  output[ "variable_type" ] = variable_type;
1924  output[ "offset" ] = m_offset;
1925  output[ "info" ] = "";
1927  // biases
1928  size_t mat_size = this->get_num_variables() + 1;
1929  Vector l_bias_vec = _quadmat.block( 0, mat_size - 1, mat_size - 1, 1 );
1930  std::vector<FloatType> l_bias( l_bias_vec.size() );
1931  for ( int i = 0; i < l_bias_vec.size(); i++ ) {
1932  l_bias[ i ] = l_bias_vec( i );
1933  }
1935  std::vector<FloatType> q_bias;
1936  std::vector<size_t> q_head;
1937  std::vector<size_t> q_tail;
1939  q_bias.reserve( _quadmat.nonZeros() );
1940  q_head.reserve( _quadmat.nonZeros() );
1941  q_tail.reserve( _quadmat.nonZeros() );
1943  for ( int k = 0; k < _quadmat.outerSize(); k++ ) {
1944  for ( SpIter it( _quadmat, k ); it; ++it ) {
1945  size_t r = it.row();
1946  size_t c = it.col();
1947  FloatType val = it.value();
1949  if ( ( r < mat_size - 1 ) && ( c < mat_size - 1 ) ) {
1950  q_bias.push_back( val );
1951  q_head.push_back( r );
1952  q_tail.push_back( c );
1953  }
1954  }
1955  }
1957  output[ "linear_biases" ] = l_bias;
1958  output[ "quadratic_biases" ] = q_bias;
1959  output[ "quadratic_head" ] = q_head;
1960  output[ "quadratic_tail" ] = q_tail;
1961  output[ "num_interactions" ] = q_bias.size();
1963  return output;
1964  }
1974  template<typename IndexType_serial = IndexType, typename FloatType_serial = FloatType, typename T = DataType>
1976  from_serializable( const json &input, dispatch_t<T, Dense> = nullptr ) {
1977  // extract type and version
1978  std::string type = input[ "type" ];
1979  if ( type != "BinaryQuadraticModel" ) {
1980  throw std::runtime_error( "Type must be \"BinaryQuadraticModel\".\n" );
1981  }
1982  std::string version = input[ "version" ][ "bqm_schema" ];
1983  if ( version != "3.0.0-dense" ) {
1984  throw std::runtime_error( "bqm_schema must be 3.0.0-dense.\n" );
1985  }
1987  // extract variable_type
1988  Vartype vartype;
1989  std::string variable_type = input[ "variable_type" ];
1990  if ( variable_type == "SPIN" ) {
1992  } else if ( variable_type == "BINARY" ) {
1994  } else {
1995  throw std::runtime_error( "variable_type must be SPIN or BINARY." );
1996  }
1998  // extract biases
1999  std::vector<IndexType_serial> variables = input[ "variable_labels" ];
2000  std::vector<FloatType_serial> biases = input[ "biases" ];
2001  FloatType offset = input[ "offset" ];
2003  size_t mat_size = variables.size() + 1;
2004  Eigen::Map<Matrix> mat(, mat_size, mat_size );
2007  return bqm;
2008  }
2018  template<typename IndexType_serial = IndexType, typename FloatType_serial = FloatType, typename T = DataType>
2020  from_serializable( const json &input, dispatch_t<T, Sparse> = nullptr ) {
2021  // extract type and version
2022  std::string type = input[ "type" ];
2023  if ( type != "BinaryQuadraticModel" ) {
2024  throw std::runtime_error( "Type must be \"BinaryQuadraticModel\".\n" );
2025  }
2026  std::string version = input[ "version" ][ "bqm_schema" ];
2027  if ( version != "3.0.0" ) {
2028  throw std::runtime_error( "bqm_schema must be 3.0.0.\n" );
2029  }
2031  // extract variable_type
2032  Vartype vartype;
2033  std::string variable_type = input[ "variable_type" ];
2034  if ( variable_type == "SPIN" ) {
2036  } else if ( variable_type == "BINARY" ) {
2038  } else {
2039  throw std::runtime_error( "variable_type must be SPIN or BINARY." );
2040  }
2042  // extract biases
2043  std::vector<IndexType_serial> variables = input[ "variable_labels" ];
2044  FloatType offset = input[ "offset" ];
2046  std::vector<FloatType_serial> l_bias = input[ "linear_biases" ];
2047  std::vector<size_t> q_head = input[ "quadratic_head" ];
2048  std::vector<size_t> q_tail = input[ "quadratic_tail" ];
2049  std::vector<FloatType_serial> q_bias = input[ "quadratic_biases" ];
2051  // make triplets
2052  std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<FloatType_serial>> triplets;
2053  triplets.reserve( q_bias.size() + l_bias.size() );
2055  size_t mat_size = variables.size() + 1;
2057  for ( size_t i = 0; i < l_bias.size(); i++ ) {
2058  if ( l_bias[ i ] != 0 )
2059  triplets.emplace_back( i, mat_size - 1, l_bias[ i ] );
2060  }
2062  for ( size_t i = 0; i < q_bias.size(); i++ ) {
2063  triplets.emplace_back( q_head[ i ], q_tail[ i ], q_bias[ i ] );
2064  }
2066  triplets.emplace_back( mat_size - 1, mat_size - 1, 1 );
2068  SparseMatrix mat( mat_size, mat_size );
2070  mat.setFromTriplets( triplets.begin(), triplets.end() );
2073  return bqm;
2074  }
2075  };
2076 } // namespace cimod
Class for dense binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:148
FloatType _max_quadratic(dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr) const
calculate maximum element in quadratic term for dense graph
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:409
size_t get_num_variables() const
get the number of variables
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1268
std::tuple< Linear< IndexType, FloatType >, Quadratic< IndexType, FloatType >, FloatType > to_ising()
Convert a binary quadratic model to Ising format.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1762
Quadratic< IndexType, FloatType > _generate_quadratic(dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr) const
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:879
void add_variables_from(const Linear< IndexType, FloatType > &linear)
Add variables and/or linear biases to a binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1388
bool contains(const IndexType &v) const
Return true if the variable contains v.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1288
FloatType & _mat(IndexType label_i, IndexType label_j)
get reference of _quadmat(i,j)
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:295
void add_interaction(const IndexType &u, const IndexType &v, const FloatType &bias)
Add an interaction and/or quadratic bias to a binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1401
void _set_label_to_idx()
set _label_to_idx from _idx_to_label
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:218
BinaryQuadraticModel< IndexType, FloatType, DataType > change_vartype(const Vartype &vartype, bool inplace)
Create a binary quadratic model with the specified vartype.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1668
Quadratic< IndexType, FloatType > get_quadratic() const
Get uadratic object.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1328
void _binary_to_spin(dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr)
change internal variable from QUBO to Ising ones for dense matrix The following conversion is applied...
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1056
std::vector< IndexType > _idx_to_label
vector for converting index to label the list is asssumed to be sorted
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:196
FloatType _quadmat_get(size_t i, size_t j, dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr) const
access elements for dense matrix
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:253
FloatType _min_quadratic(dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr) const
calculate minimum element in quadratic term for dense graph
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:435
std::tuple< Quadratic< IndexType, FloatType >, FloatType > to_qubo()
Convert a binary quadratic model to QUBO format.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1718
void _initialize_quadmat(const Linear< IndexType, FloatType > &linear, const Quadratic< IndexType, FloatType > &quadratic, dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr)
initialize matrix with linear and quadratic dicts (for dense matrix)
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:620
void _spin_to_binary(dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr)
change internal variable from Ising to QUBO ones for dense matrix The following conversion is applied...
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:937
void _delete_label_from_mat(IndexType label_i, dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr)
delete row and column that corresponds to existing label from _quadmat for sparse matrix
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:529
FloatType _min_quadratic(dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr) const
calculate minimum element in quadratic term for dense graph
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:385
FloatType _min_linear(dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr) const
calculate minimum element in linear term for dense graph
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:374
void remove_variables_from(const std::vector< IndexType > &variables)
Remove specified variables and all of their interactions from a binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1433
void _initialize_quadmat(const DenseMatrix &mat, const std::vector< IndexType > &labels_vec, bool fix_format)
initialize matrix with matrix and labels the form of matrix is assumed to be the following two forms:
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:834
Eigen::Matrix< FloatType, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > DenseMatrix
Eigen Matrix if DataType is Dense , Matrix is equal to Eigen::Matrix if DataType is Sparse,...
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:167
FloatType _mat(IndexType label_i, IndexType label_j) const
get reference of _quadmat(i,j)
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:324
BinaryQuadraticModel< IndexType, FloatType, DataType > empty(Vartype vartype)
Create an empty BinaryQuadraticModel.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1364
Matrix interaction_matrix() const
generate (Dense or Sparse) interaction matrix with given list of indices The generated matrix will be...
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1805
FloatType _min_linear(dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr) const
calculate minimum element in linear term for dense graph
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:422
FloatType & _mat(IndexType label_i)
get reference of _quadmat(i,i)
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:311
void _binary_to_spin(dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr)
change internal variable from QUBO to Ising ones for sparse matrix The following conversion is applie...
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1094
void _spin_to_binary(dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr)
change internal variable from Ising to QUBO ones for sparse matrix The following conversion is applie...
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:976
FloatType & _quadmat_get(size_t i, size_t j, dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr)
access elements for sparse matrix
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:268
nlohmann::json json
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1809
Vartype get_vartype() const
Get the vartype object.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1346
static BinaryQuadraticModel< IndexType_serial, FloatType_serial, DataType > from_serializable(const json &input, dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr)
Create a BinaryQuadraticModel instance from a serializable object.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1976
std::unordered_map< IndexType, size_t > _label_to_idx
dict for converting label to index
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:201
std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v< DataType, Dense >, DenseMatrix, SparseMatrix > Matrix
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:171
FloatType _max_linear(dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr) const
calculate maximum element in linear term for dense graph
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:352
size_t length() const
Return the number of variables.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1278
void _delete_label(IndexType label_i, bool force_delete=true)
delete label if label_i does not exist, this process is skipped.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:591
json to_serializable(dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr) const
Convert the binary quadratic model to a dense-version serializable object.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1817
const std::vector< IndexType > & get_variables() const
Get variables.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1355
static BinaryQuadraticModel< IndexType, FloatType, DataType > from_qubo(const Quadratic< IndexType, FloatType > &Q, FloatType offset=0.0)
Create a binary quadratic model from a QUBO model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1740
FloatType m_offset
The energy offset associated with the model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:207
FloatType _mat(IndexType label_i) const
get reference of _quadmat(i,i)
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:341
Linear< IndexType, FloatType > get_linear() const
Get linear object.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1310
static BinaryQuadraticModel< IndexType, FloatType, DataType > from_ising(const Linear< IndexType, FloatType > &linear, const Quadratic< IndexType, FloatType > &quadratic, FloatType offset=0.0)
Create a binary quadratic model from an Ising problem.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1781
void remove_interaction(const IndexType &u, const IndexType &v)
Remove interaction of variables u, v from a binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1445
std::vector< FloatType > energies(const std::vector< Sample< IndexType >> &samples_like) const
Determine the energies of the given samples.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1704
Eigen::Matrix< FloatType, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > Vector
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:173
BinaryQuadraticModel(const BinaryQuadraticModel &)=default
Linear< IndexType, FloatType > _generate_linear() const
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:853
BinaryQuadraticModel(const Eigen::Ref< const DenseMatrix > &mat, const std::vector< IndexType > &labels_vec, const FloatType &offset, const Vartype vartype, bool fix_format=true)
BinaryQuadraticModel constructor (with matrix);.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1201
FloatType _max_quadratic(dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr) const
calculate maximum element in quadratic term for dense graph
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:363
Eigen::SparseMatrix< FloatType, Eigen::RowMajor > SparseMatrix
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:168
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, U >, std::nullptr_t > dispatch_t
template type for dispatch used for SFINAE
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:158
BinaryQuadraticModel(const SparseMatrix &mat, const std::vector< IndexType > &labels_vec, const Vartype vartype)
BinaryQuadraticModel constructor (with sparse matrix); this constructor is for developers.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1257
void _insert_label_into_mat(IndexType label_i, dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr)
insert row and column that corresponds to added label into _quadmat for dense matrix
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:448
BinaryQuadraticModel(const Eigen::Ref< const DenseMatrix > &mat, const std::vector< IndexType > &labels_vec, const Vartype vartype, bool fix_format=true)
BinaryQuadraticModel constructor (with matrix);.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1220
void add_offset(const FloatType &offset)
Add specified value to the offset of a binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1467
BinaryQuadraticModel(const SparseMatrix &mat, const std::vector< IndexType > &labels_vec, const FloatType &offset, const Vartype vartype)
BinaryQuadraticModel constructor (with sparse matrix); this constructor is for developers.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1238
FloatType get_linear(IndexType label_i) const
Get the element of linear object.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1301
void add_variable(const IndexType &v, const FloatType &bias)
Add variable v and/or its bias to a binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1377
Matrix _quadmat
quadratic dense-type matrix The stored matrix has the following triangular form:
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:190
FloatType _quadmat_get(size_t i, size_t j, dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr) const
access elements for sparse matrix
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:283
void _initialize_quadmat(const Linear< IndexType, FloatType > &linear, const Quadratic< IndexType, FloatType > &quadratic, dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr)
initialize matrix with linear and quadratic dicts (for sparse matrix)
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:668
void scale(const FloatType &scalar, const std::vector< IndexType > &ignored_variables={}, const std::vector< std::pair< IndexType, IndexType >> &ignored_interactions={}, const bool ignored_offset=false)
Multiply by the specified scalar all the biases and offset of a binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1486
FloatType & _quadmat_get(size_t i, size_t j, dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr)
access elements for dense matrix
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:238
void fix_variables(const std::vector< std::pair< IndexType, int32_t >> &fixed)
Fix the value of the variables and remove it from a binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1586
json to_serializable(dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr) const
Convert the binary quadratic model to a serializable object.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1878
FloatType get_offset() const
Get the offset.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1337
void _delete_label_from_mat(IndexType label_i, dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr)
delete row and column that corresponds to existing label from _quadmat for dense matrix
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:509
void normalize(const std::pair< FloatType, FloatType > &bias_range={ 1.0, 1.0 }, const bool use_quadratic_range=false, const std::pair< FloatType, FloatType > &quadratic_range={ 1.0, 1.0 }, const std::vector< IndexType > &ignored_variables={}, const std::vector< std::pair< IndexType, IndexType >> &ignored_interactions={}, const bool ignored_offset=false)
Normalizes the biases of the binary quadratic model such that they fall in the provided range(s),...
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1525
void _insert_label_into_mat(IndexType label_i, dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr)
insert row and column that corresponds to added label into _quadmat for sparse matrix
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:468
typename SparseMatrix::InnerIterator SpIter
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:169
Quadratic< IndexType, FloatType > _generate_quadratic(dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr) const
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:865
FloatType _max_linear(dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr) const
calculate maximum element in linear term for dense graph
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:396
BinaryQuadraticModel(const Linear< IndexType, FloatType > &linear, const Quadratic< IndexType, FloatType > &quadratic, const Vartype vartype)
BinaryQuadraticModel constructor.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1185
Vartype m_vartype
The model's type.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:213
void remove_offset()
Set the binary quadratic model's offset to zero.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1474
void _add_new_label(IndexType label_i)
add new label if label_i already exists, this process is skipped.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:572
void remove_interactions_from(const std::vector< std::pair< IndexType, IndexType >> &interactions)
Remove all specified interactions from the binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1456
void remove_variable(const IndexType &v)
Remove variable v and all its interactions from a binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1424
void _initialize_quadmat(const SparseMatrix &mat, const std::vector< IndexType > &labels_vec)
initialize matrix with matrix and labels the form of matrix is assumed to be the following form:
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:914
void fix_variable(const IndexType &v, const int32_t &value)
Fix the value of a variable and remove it from a binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1564
void flip_variable(const IndexType &v)
Flip variable v in a binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1597
FloatType energy(const Sample< IndexType > &sample) const
Determine the energy of the specified sample of a binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1686
static BinaryQuadraticModel< IndexType_serial, FloatType_serial, DataType > from_serializable(const json &input, dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr)
Create a BinaryQuadraticModel instance from a serializable object.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:2020
void _add_triangular_elements(const DenseMatrix &mat, bool fix_format, dispatch_t< T, Sparse >=nullptr)
add non-diagonal elements to upper triangular components for sparse matrix
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:760
void add_interactions_from(const Quadratic< IndexType, FloatType > &quadratic)
Add interactions and/or quadratic biases to a binary quadratic model.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1413
void change_vartype(const Vartype &vartype)
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1649
BinaryQuadraticModel(const Linear< IndexType, FloatType > &linear, const Quadratic< IndexType, FloatType > &quadratic, const FloatType &offset, const Vartype vartype)
BinaryQuadraticModel constructor.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1167
void _add_triangular_elements(const DenseMatrix &mat, bool fix_format, dispatch_t< T, Dense >=nullptr)
add non-diagonal elements to upper triangular components for dense matrix
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:729
FloatType get_quadratic(IndexType label_i, IndexType label_j) const
Get the element of quadratic object.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:1319
Definition: legacy/
Definition: binary_polynomial_model.hpp:139
std::unordered_map< IndexType, std::unordered_map< IndexType, FloatType > > Adjacency
Type alias for adjacency list.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:127
std::unordered_map< IndexType, int32_t > Sample
Type alias for sample, which represents the spin or binary configurations.
Definition: binary_polynomial_model.hpp:162
std::unordered_map< IndexType, FloatType > Linear
Type alias for linear bias.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:111
std::unordered_map< std::pair< IndexType, IndexType >, FloatType, pair_hash > Quadratic
Type alias for quadratic bias.
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:119
Enum class for representing problem type.
Definition: vartypes.hpp:24
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:137
Definition: binary_quadratic_model.hpp:138
Hash function for std::unordered_map.
Definition: hash.hpp:65